HELP ! Python escaped :(

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Western Sydney
g'day APS

This morning I woke up to check on my snakes to find no childrens python in its tank. We are thinking it is still in the house but the back door has a doggy door and is broken and has no door there so will have full access on getting outside and into the wild. Tonight ill be looking around the house every hour or so. Im gonna sprinkle flower on the floor to see if it has made tracks. I was also gonna use the mouse in box strategy but cannot find any live mice. Will i be able to thaw a frozen mice and leave it in the the box overnight ????
What other things can I do to have a better of finding my python. :(

Cheers, Jake
Look closer at the tank or enclosure,they generally dont go far at all,their usually try 2 find a warm spot,be carefull walking around,lock the dog up...
Ive checked everywhere. turning all the rooms upside down but ill keep looking. checked the fridge and no luck.
Good luck mate, thats terrible news. Hope you find him safe and sound
look under everything the last time my childreni got out he was under the stero unit .also try some plastic bags when he goes over them you'll hear them rustle that was how we found my boy one of the kids stuff their chip packets underneath the unit
Theres a trick we've used a couple times when we've had a python get loose and we just can't find it. (Its rather unorthodox, so I hope I don't get into too much trouble)
Take some cheap thread and tie it to a small prey item, then tie the other end of the thread to, say the sofa leg or chair leg. The prey can be frozen/thawed, it'll work. Tuck the rodent into a dark spot that you think the escapist might travel. When you get up in the morning, if you find your python on the end of some thread, just clip the thread as close to his mouth as you can get. Try not to worry too much about the thread he swallowed. Those digestive enzymes can make short order of bone, so a little thread is nothing.
I hope you find you little guy! Good luck!
All electricals lght fixtures curtain rods inside the heater sterio speakers don't lough!! Keep one room of the house warmish they are experts at tiny places i pulled apart someones couch at 3 in the morning once good luck if you use a rodent throw it after 12 hours
I will definently try that method tanith. Thanks for that. Any other methods I can try.
A friend of mine lost his childrens python and found it in his son's pencil case.

Children's pythons seem to be great escape artists :p
I found mine by setting up a hide on newspaper with a heatmat underneath, he was in it 2 nights later
Yrs ago, mine escaped and I found him the other end of the house next to the Hot water service in the laundry. We were only gone for a couple of hours. So even though he's prob close to home, its not alway the case. Keep searching.

Hopefully he turns up safe and well
Still no luck. ill have to stey up all night for her. I hope I find her tonight.
Our sons stimson escaped a day ago, little hands not locking down the cage properly. Spent the day cleaning out cupboards etc throughout the house etc, no luck. After reading a few suggestions on here and not finding anything in the cupboards. We decided to patrol at night. I was the lucky one who ended up doing random searches at night around the house with the torch. 2.30am awoke up to find him in the wardrobe (door left open). I reckon he was a glad to see me, couldnt get back into the warmth of his hide quick enough, and me back under the doona:lol:.

The new viv is just about ready, so hopefully it will be the last time.

Good luck, dont give up
Have you found the little guy yet? My childreni escaped last week but i shortly found him nestled between my mattress and bed head thank god. Good Luck!
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