Help (Sdaji) monitor has a cold!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2005
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Central Coast NSW
Hey i'v let my pygmy mulga monitor get too cold at night and it has a cold...
any help would be greatly appreciated...

i now have him in a 2 foot tank with an oz bright MVB at one end.
He is only 6 inches TL.
i'v ordered another light fitting and a 100 watt infrared bulb...
so i can heat the tank an night...

i think i'll need to put it on a thermostat, what is the best probe thermostat to get quality and pricewise?

Quality and price wise you cant go past the Micro-climate B1ME, that way you can set it to a night temp too, but thats only whilst using an ordinary bulb, you cant use the ozbrights on a thermostat.
yeah oz-brites don't like thermostats, use the red globe at night on the thermostat, and just let the oz-brite go during the day, be careful though if the respitory infection is bad enough simply heating it up will not help, In such case a trip to the vet is probably neccesary, and a course of antibotics prescribed, good luck
What are you calling Sdaji for, hes a student for god sake. Maybe a brain but he isnt a vet you cheapskate. Take it to the vet.
ps, Sorry John, if you can help him please do.
pss. sorry If I appear blunt but I think you know what you need to do.
psss. If you have already taken it to the vet and are only looking for temp maintenance advice then i withdraw all comments unreservedly and apologise.
BEACUSE SDAJI BREEDS THEM.. i'm not trying to be cheap at all... but i think somebody who breeds this particular species, may know more than the vet...

And i'd rather help it as much as i can before i go puting drugs into it...
you didnt appear to be blunt at all, you apeared as though you just wanted to bag me for the sake of it just beacuse i asked someone for help...
For now just turn up the heat, give him heat at night and a vet visit might be in order if there is no sign of him gettin any better within a day or 2.

Many monitors have the same requirements and treating colds within reptiles is a fairly generic procedure.

Cheers Alex
How cold did you let it get? They're pretty hardy little things and generally there shouldn't be any need to heat them at night.
Thanks alot every one....

What would be the better choice - Mini Stat 300 for $100 OR Thermostat Plus for $65 ??????
The breeder Said to keep it above 24 at the cool end at night....

as cold as my bed room got... could have been 12 degrees, not sure...
Gilleni; where these monitors occur, it gets rather cold of a night; in winter damn near freezing....
I dont provide any night time heating for any of my monitors, however they get excessive heat during the day, especially at their basking long as theres a cooler area to escape to, they'll be fine.....Most people dont give them enough heat!!!! It all depends on the species, but most dryland species thrive with higher'll notice increased activity, feeding, etc.
Thanks, i think i'll get a thermostst and have the red light on that and have the MVB on in the day....

What would be the go, Mini stat 300 or thermostat plus? the thermo plus is $35 cheaper...
Get a microclimate thermostat thet runs day and night times. It can also be set at a nice 35 degrees in day and then drops to the temp you want at night. Good for breeding them too. I always say a doctor is only as good as the tools he uses. I could have stuffed up that saying though. People try and treat colds unnescessarily sometimes.All they need to be is hot and they can shake off the colds. Vets are overpriced in any case. Only when it has had it for a while start stressing. In my experience i have gotten rid of many a cold by just keeping it warm. And that is a good plan to run the red light of the thermostat and leave the oz bright running at day without a stat. Trust me this works. Oz brights are self ballstad, that means they switch of internally for a while after you have switched them off and they need a constant voltage to work. Thermostats burn them out quickly.
yer id just get a thermostat like you said, and i would also put a heat mat/tape under one end of the tank and put a hide on top of it it will keep it nice and warm in the hide for it.
hey, I breed children, got two, if they get sick, I ask a doctor, not the nieghbours, who also breed them. Take it to a vet.

ps, if I wanted to "bag you out" you'd be dead in the water by now young fella.
Gilleni said:
Thanks alot every one....

What would be the better choice - Mini Stat 300 for $100 OR Thermostat Plus for $65 ??????

If you are just going for a night time low (and does sound like a good idea based on what you have said) then I would go for something simple like your basic wall thermostat. Significantly cheaper and probably just as effective for the situation you have described.
sobrien said:
How cold did you let it get? They're pretty hardy little things and generally there shouldn't be any need to heat them at night.

It depends on how cold we are talking. In their natural range it may get pretty cold and night on the exposed ground.... but I am guessing that is not where these guys spend their nights.

In Manitoba Canada the wee garter snakes over winter underground in caves... a good place to be when the temperature on the exposed ground is -40 (C or F it don't matter)
Peterescue said:
What are you calling Sdaji for, hes a student ... Maybe a brain but he isnt a vet ... Take it to the vet.
gilleni said:
BEACUSE SDAJI BREEDS THEM.. but i think somebody who breeds this particular species, may know more than the vet...

I have to agree with Peter on this one, no offence to Sdaji. He might breed them and I'm sure he knows a lot more about them than most vets, but there are some good vets around who are specialising in herps - you just have to find them. Danny Brown (Geckodan on this site) not only is a vet, but keeps and breeds lots of reptile species.

Don't get me wrong - getting advice from Sdaji is a very good idea, but that advice should be in addition to (not instead of) advice from a vet.


Just when you thought this place was as bitchy as it could get.....

If I get into this thread it won't be pleasant, so I'll contact you privately.

/me hands Peter a small plastic tub and reminds the moderators of the site's rules which they themselves devised :roll:
:) Ah! Love the peace and harmony! Sdaji, re the site rules, Peter's initial posts were heavy, but I don't think they breached the rules. The post where he used the word "fool" was borderline at best. We'll see what the other mods think.

Peter, it may be an idea to ease up .... just a tad! :)
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