Help - sloppy poo/feeding questions

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New Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Sunshine Coast
Some advice would be very appreciated...
Thanks in advance for your time n knowledge...

I am babysitting a 4yo MD Python - he weighs 2325g and is somewhere between 1.65 and 2m...
He did a sloppy poo the other day (along with a normal poo/pee) and it has been suggested he may have worms (even though he eats frozen food)...

Q1= does this sound right? Has anyone used metronydosol? (can anyone spell metronydosol? lol)
(actually thats 3 questions lol)

Q2= Would you agree that a Med Rat once every 10days (ish) sounds right?
He was on subbies b4 I took him over but seemed to resume 'hunting' right after eating... took him up to smalls but he still seemed to want more... I got hold of some 2w chickens (big jump I know) - which he struggled with, but seemed more content after the feeds.... Just brought some med and lrg rats and some 1w chickens... thought I might continue to vary feed sizes etc
He becomes very active when he is hungry - so he tells me when hes ready to eat anyway...
He seems happy/in good shape - other than the sloppy poo the other day :-(

He just sloughed a couple of weeks ago.... awesome trophy :)

Cheers muchly
Hey Kimberleygirl! :)

Firstly, gee, I wish my MD's were that weight! (my male is 3kg exactly, and my female is 3.188kg - "conditioned"!)

Okay, onto your questions... The first thing I would do is collect as much of the sloppy poo as you can, into a freezer bag, take it into your vet and ask them to run either a smear test or direct fecal float... This will tell you/them if the animal has worms, then treat accordingly. There are a number of "worm treatments" available, some are a lot more taxing on the animal's system than others, but in all the years I've been doing this stuff, I've not heard of the treatment you mentioned... I will look it up shortly, just to make sure!

A Medium Rat for that size python ONCE A WEEK would be better (admittedly, I feed mine adult rats every fortnight, except when preparing for cooling). The general rule of thumb is: if the bulge in the python's belly takes three days to dissipate, that's a perfect size for that animal. If earlier, go up a bit. If longer, too big...

Yes, they're pretty good at letting us know when it's "tea time"! Fortunately, I keep records of everything - only occasionally will they remind me what day it is!

I don't think the fact that he sloughed has anything to do with the runny poo - too much of a time difference to be an issue...

You're welcome! Hope it helps!

Metronidazole.. haha.. i think thats how its spelt.. at least i answered one question..
One sloppy poo is no reason to worry
Repeated sloppy ones are reason to worry
It definitely could be the change in diet [ever had Indian food]

I use my snakes in handling displays and I dont want them getting too bloody big too fast
So mine get fed very big meals every 21 days after they reach young adult size
[if a Burmese eats 2 rabbits and wants more it gets another etc etc]
This optimises their available handling time [normal feeding 4 days down out of 7; big feeding 7 days down out of 21]
It does slow their growth slightly back more to what would happen in the wild I think.
But apart from that they are very healthy animals in prime condition
Haha yes metronidazole is how you spell it. But treating for worms you would probably be better off with fenbendazole (panacur).

As longqi said a sloppy poo or 2 is no reason to worry, it's more of a problem when it happens repeatedly - dehydration is a big problem in animals suffering from an extended period of diarrhoea.
If the animal appears healthy and in good condition I wouldnt worry at this stage, if it's struggling to put on weight it would probably be worth taking it to the vet for blood tests and faecal smears/floats

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's quite common for snakes feeding on birds to get some diarrhoea, particularly if you have only just changed the diet
Oh Carolyn - youre a gem!
So helpful - thank you.
Unfortunately I have already cleaned the poo away... perhaps I'll feed him without any treatment for this feed - and collect a sample next poo :)
He is very Big - I have seen wild pythons here on the sunshine coast the same size - but their heads are much larger! I have wondered if he is over-weight, but he was being under-fed for some time, so just not sure?
The big chickens would thin out after 3/4 days!! But I know he was struggling because I could hear him expel air while feeding - perhaps putting pressure on his respiration organs in his head??
Anyway - will be waiting for his next poo with much anticipation (hehehe)..
Thanks again :)

Well, I was wondering that 'newtolovingsnake'...
I had fed him 2 chickens in a row for the first time!!
I asked a few ppl - but they promptly disregarded it and seemed more concerned about worms... although this is my guess - because I am ultra-hygenic/careful and he only has frozen/thawed/warmed food (I make the warming to feeding process as quick as possible by massaging the feed in warm water until there is no coldness left - then promptly offer it to him)... he always takes it immediately!

haha 'AMS05' - thank you :)
It was suggested by my local rat/chicken/quail supplier...
Have you used it?
He said that the snake shouldnt even notice that he has had it...

Thanks 'longqi'... The one on your head in your pic is lovely!! (green is my fave colour hehehe).
Well - thats what I was thinking - perhaps try and emulate the wild a little by making feed sizes a little different and a little irregular... He would be ravenous if I made him wait 3 weeks though hehehe - Its been 15 days after the large chicken (2w/o) and he has been hunting/getting edgy since Sat/Sun... Gunna feed him tomorrow dusk but I was hoping to hold off for another couple of days to dry his belly out a bit more (dunno if that sounds silly or not but thats what id do for me if I had a runny poo hehehe)... but last night he was looking a but desperate/starved so have decided on the 16days :)
Geez - I wish there was one answer! hehehe

Oh Thank you 'souldoubt'...
He is definitely growing :)
He sloughed a couple of weeks ago - having sloughed not too long before that...
His food intake has grown massively/ and changed!! So perhaps that is it then!?
His owners were feeding him a subbie once a week and fortnightly through the winter... he was also in a considerably small tank for his size (45cm in height)...
Now he has a few height extensions and is eating med/large rats and 1/2wo chickens... and he seems to be loving it!?
He is also getting the extra water from having soaked his feeds, plus he sticks his tongue in the water every now and then (mostly when it has been changed/for a sniff instead of a drink - i think)...
The amount of grain in the birds crop is crazy too - I was wondering if snakes might have issues with gluten bahahaha
Thanks again!
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