Help Smooth knob tailed gecko hatchling HELP

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Active Member
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, Vic
my 3rd smooth knob tailed geckos has hatched after 1 day of normal behavior , today he walks funny , flip s onto his back , black spot on stomach and opens his mouth alot (no barking)
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That does not sound very good. He might be on his last legs. It could be the mothers fault. How old was she when you mated her / laid eggs?
Have you got danny browns books? They will probably have an answer.
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Also maybe mother did not receive enough calcium and possibly something to do with bad incubation.
Mouth open would indicate he's dehydrated. flippin on he's back sounds very unusual. Black spot on belly shouldnt be an issue. Any chance you can film this behaviour and post it as it would be heeeeaps easier to see what he's up to.

Mouth open would indicate he's dehydrated. flippin on he's back sounds very unusual. Black spot on belly shouldnt be an issue. Any chance you can film this behaviour and post it as it would be heeeeaps easier to see what he's up to.

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this is an extact description of what happens he got no answers! hes lost movement in back legs (2days old now)

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if the link doesnt work this is what it says!
She can't move her back legs, her tail will twitch and she opens her mouth wide a few times and her head shook a little.

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I saw multiple people view this thread and answer other threads , even big breeders yet no help was given expect from 2 people! All movement is now minimal!
Invalid attachments. I would say he/she will be dead by this time tomorrow. I had three smooth knob-tailed geckos die in a period of about 4 months. One was about a month old (bred by me), another a young adult (bought from someone in Whyalla, SA), and my oldest female gecko I had for around 5 years. I took one to the vet for a necropsy and the cause was a bacterial infection. However I believe that the gecko purchased probably introduced the bacteria into my collection, causing my other geckos to fall ill. Similar symptoms to what you are describing. Overall weight loss, then rear legs stop working, and finally on death they look dehydrated and sunken eyeballs.
Advice from the vet was to improve my husbandry, which I have.

Good luck and if/when it dies and your still unsatisfied with people's help from here, go get an necropsy done at a reptile vet. Good luck
I used a few methods overnight , hes movement is much better , ill keep u posted
Age and calcium was good
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