Help!!!! Thought my Stimmie was going to shed..

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Sep 14, 2011
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I have got a 8 month old Stimson and on Saturday he refused his feed and then on monday i got him out and noticed he had the cloudy eyes so put him straight back in as ive read they dont like to be handled while shedding. Anyways checked on him today and noticed his eyes were no longer cloudy and he has not shed. He is still not as active as what he usually is at night also. Is it an on and of period of cloudy eyes or is he just not ready to shed yet.. Also how often should they urate. Not sure if its because of the walnet shells (Desert Sand) but i dont notice any wet spots unless he has pooped lol
Sorry im new to all this
I think the cloudy eyes indicate that they are going to shed then it goes. Then a few days later they shed. Im not sure but i think it goes like that.
the eyes go cloudy for about a week then they go clear and then they shed. you should find a fesh shed in a few days
My female caramel childrens had cloudy eyes for a few days and then shed yesterday about a week after i noticed her eyes were cloudy. She also refused a feed the other day (i still offered her food even though i didn't expect her to take it) while her eyes were still slightly cloudy so that all sounds normal.
In regards to the urate, i think it is usually the white part of the poo that is solid urine and yes your substrate may soak up any wetness so that may be why it is hard for you to tell.
My snakes poos are always made up of a brown coloured 'log' and a white coloured 'log' and some wetness, mine are all on newspaper so the wet part is more noticable.
They may go cloudy a week before shedding - don't stress too much. They don't have a particular toilet schedule, but will often go right after or during a shed. Be patient. Everything sounds perfectly normal.
Thanks so much for your help, came home from the shops to find he had shed so very exciting
Thats good nothing to stress about now you know what to exspect
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