Active Member
Hi all, just a question about feeding. I got my little boy just over a week ago and hasn't had a feed yet. I gave him a few days to settle in before I tried putting any food in front of his face. Now his record shows he only had one PM, then for ages he was on FM and just before i got him he had one PR with a little bit of trouble but still downed it. When i got him he hadn't eaten for about a week because he was going into shed, so he hasn't had any for 2 weeks exactly. I tried him on the PR and he barely showed any interest. Then a couple days later I tried him on a FM, zero interest. He shed on the 8th of march too btw. As far as I can tell he is healthy, when I handle him he is calm, he has a good heat gradient in his enclosure, good humidity. Just wondering if there is any tips or tricks i can try, or if i just have to wait another week or so.