Help with feeding baby Jungle!

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Mar 11, 2010
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Hi all, just a question about feeding. I got my little boy just over a week ago and hasn't had a feed yet. I gave him a few days to settle in before I tried putting any food in front of his face. Now his record shows he only had one PM, then for ages he was on FM and just before i got him he had one PR with a little bit of trouble but still downed it. When i got him he hadn't eaten for about a week because he was going into shed, so he hasn't had any for 2 weeks exactly. I tried him on the PR and he barely showed any interest. Then a couple days later I tried him on a FM, zero interest. He shed on the 8th of march too btw. As far as I can tell he is healthy, when I handle him he is calm, he has a good heat gradient in his enclosure, good humidity. Just wondering if there is any tips or tricks i can try, or if i just have to wait another week or so.

Let him settle in, he is probably still very nervious I would even say stop handling him for atleast another week.
When ever I purchase a new herp I will not handle it for atleast 2 weeks and wont offer it food for about the same period of time unless it has been cooled etc then this rule changes. Take your time with him if he hasnt eatten in a few weeks then start to look deeper into it so for now enjoy watching him.
i agree, leave him alone in his click clack for 2 weeks and only open the tub to change his water bowl. I also like to put cover over the click clack so that hatchlings can't see you messin about in the herp room.

After 2 weeks offer him a pinkie, if he doesn't take it try braining the pinkie or rubby the pinkie on a quail.

just my 2 bobs worth.
We had a similar prob with our Jungle Hatchy. Wait till night time when he comes out hunting. When he strikes keep still so you don't distract him. If he loses interest try again. This worked for us. Good luck
as others have said dont handle it for a couple of weeks and let it settle in. make sure it has a hot/cold temperature of 32/25deg. if all fails contact the breeder and get them to sort the feeding out
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thanks for the quick replies, I'll see how he goes for another week and go from there.

thanks again
He was until recently when he had to be relocated to a "click clack". Just had a few minor problems with the old enclosure. whys that?
how old the snake ?
if its a hatchling and they get put into a large enclosure [ 2ft or so] they can stress out and go off eating . thats why i asked if it was an enclosure or a click clack :)
when i got my coastal as a hatchling she didn't eat for nearly 2 months and i havnt had any problems with her yet and this is 2 years later.
If he only shed on March 8th then maybe he was a little stressed and not ready to feed quite yet... as everyone else has said, give him some time and then try again. You dont HAVE to brain a pinky rat, but you can cut the tip of its nose off as well which is less gruesome and still has a little bit of blood which could entice your little one into eating

Try not to get him back onto mice otherwise its going to be hard to get him back to rats eventually (had this issue with my diamond)
This has been answered imuo.but,yer cease handling atm.. let him settle for awhile..then offer food,and even if he doesnt strike,just leave the food in there with him.."i have to do that for one of my diamonds"..and cover his clickclak with a sheet come back in an hour bet its gone .good luck. 8)
how old the snake ?
if its a hatchling and they get put into a large enclosure [ 2ft or so] they can stress out and go off eating . thats why i asked if it was an enclosure or a click clack :)

the old enclosure was about 800hx500wx200d. I made sure to put a few hides and fake leaves, branches etc to fill the enclosure out a bit so it didn't seem so big for him. His click clack now is about 300hx500wx350d. It's pretty much the same setup in terms of hides, branches etc. Do you think this may be a bit big? In saying that though I do not and probably will not move him into another enclosure because i want him to settle and not stress out by moving into yet another enclosure
Leave him in the tub, make sure there's plenty of hides and a good warm end. Don't touch him until he's eating regularly. It's much more important to get him established feeding then it is to handle him.
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