Help with Murray Darling Python

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Not so new Member
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi all,
I am after some much needed help with a Murray Darling Python he is about 6 and half foot long, He will be two in March of next year.
We purchased him as a hatchling and was extremely hard to feed, he wouldn't feed for around six weeks it eventually was getting extremely close to him being force fed but luckly he fed :).
But now that he is older we decided to hidernate him this year for the first time, we were told to bring the temp down a degree over a few weeks, which we did. We have turned the heat lamp on and slowly increadsed the temp over a few weeks (this was around 4 - 6 weeks ago) until it was around 28 - 30, but since we have hibernated him he is not interested in food at all.
I am starting to get worried and so is my hubby is there anyone out there that can give us some advice please....
Sorry for the long story but I wanted to make sure all the info was there
Please help
murray darling help


I have a murray darling. this time of year is mating season and your snake should be quite active. What temperature is your tank at?? it should be around 38oC at one end by now, maybe your snake is to cold and his metabolism is still very slow (from hybernating) and this is why he wont eat?? Call Sonia Dewdney at Adelaide Hills Wilderness Lodge on
08) 8388 8268. She is fantastic with all snakes and will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong and how to fix it! Hope this helps. Goodluck!
Cara :)
Just out of interest, what location are you in? What type and size enclosure and what heat source(s) are you using?.... Is the snake in good condition? as at 6.5 feet, he could go a aweful long time without food. Is he basking alot? Cheer's Jas.
Thanks caraohara I will give the number you provided a call our tank is on 32 - 34, the cold end is on 28.

JasonL im in Elizabeth SA, Size of his enclosure is around 900 high X 460 wide X 650 long. Viewing light is left hand corner and heat lamp is on the right hand side, it has been built out of MDF with front glass doors, heat source is a porcelin globe 150watt.

He is in awsome condition and not really basking alot he just lies on the bottom of his tank someimes he will go under the lamp and on the branches but he's always been like that.

Thanks for your help it is much appreciated
All sounds OK, though I still wouldn't be too concerned, some snakes refuse feeds for many months. Males sometimes do this in breeding season, so as long as he is in good condition, I would leave be, be it 2 months or 6 months.
Yeh my coastals are doing fine and have only just started eating after at least three months of fasting. Another place a bit closer to you is Vets for Pets (salisbury) who have reptile vets (just been there) and are very good and don't cost as much as furry animals. My girl developed a respirtory infection due to an accidential cooling incident. How long have your temps been like they are. I have noticed snake time is much slower than human time, one week of human time seems to be only a day in snake time, thus tempreture changes take a while to kick in.
"What temperature is your tank at?? it should be around 38oC at one end by now,"

38c at warm end? Isn't that a tad warm? I follow Doc Rocks temps. Usually between 30 to 32c during the day, and down to low 20's at night, at the moment.
As to feeding, our big 3yr old, MD, Boof, is a bit strange after cooling also. Seven months since last feed, and only fed on the weekend just gone, but smaller food items only eaten, for some reason?? Try your MD on smaller food items, might help. Cheers Cheryl
Thanks to all that replied, Bobby is alittle more active now, he is being held and taken outside in the sun light so hopefully this will encourage him too feed.

We decided to leave him for a week or two and then we will try him on a medium rat....

That's great, and who's a relieved mum then???? LOL It's always great to see them do that after a period of 'fasting'!!!!!!! Now you can breathe again!
Kellie I am very happy for you that your MD is eating again. You can relax now. i have all that in front of me as mine will be 2 on the 18th Nov. Next year I hope to breed with her so I will be the wreck then!!!
heh heh pat, same here, got the pair, but not the experiance or anywhere near the amount of knowledge I will need, I don't think - scary!!
I am soooo happy he has eaten, I don't think I will ever fo it again its too stress full.

Thanks to every one that replied and that was concerned it was very much appreciated.

Its the stresses that make us stronger, don't look for them, but when they come learn to enjoy them. Glad to see him eating.
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