Hi guys
i just recently brought a 6 month old spotted python from a pet store he is very agressive and every time he is out of the tank he just hates being on my hands and trys his best to get off, if he doesnt get off after awhile he starts to strike, i think the pet store never ever handled it. Is their anything i can do to make it more tame or to make it want to go on my hands?
plese help
i just recently brought a 6 month old spotted python from a pet store he is very agressive and every time he is out of the tank he just hates being on my hands and trys his best to get off, if he doesnt get off after awhile he starts to strike, i think the pet store never ever handled it. Is their anything i can do to make it more tame or to make it want to go on my hands?
plese help