Help with my enclosure!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I have just finished setting up my new enclosure for my Bredli that i'm picking up from the airport today, but i need help with a few things...
First as you can see i have used tape to stick the thermometer and thermostat probes to the wall. CLEARLY that has to go, i used it to make sure i had the right amount of length for the cord then got rid of the rest on the out side of the enclosure. But what do people use to fasten there probes to the wall? or would it be ok just to lie them on the floor?
Second, i took a close up photo so you can see where the thermostat probe is, do you think its to far away from the heat emmiter and maybe i should place it on the other wall that is a bit closer??
Thanks everyone :)




Also the thermostat is set at about 35 and the thermometer is reading 26ish that why i thought maybe its to far away! :) thanks
I have my thermostat probe sitting in the bottom of the light cage for my stimmies. Hope that helps!
Ok i just changed there postion so not they are resting just behind the top of the small rock outcrop near the heat....good??
don't have a light cage? i think ladysnake means positioning the probe to be directly below the primary heat source, your ceramic heat emitter in this case. so just use some cable clips nailed into the melamine to hold the probe in place and have the actual probe resting in the cage for your emitter. is it a duel probe? if so then have the other probe as far as from the heat source as possible so you're getting the full range of temps in your enclosure, and dont forget to check it during the night!
ok thanks! Do most people just leave the same temps during the night and then the animal can choose where to go?
another method i use to hold probes is to mark where the probe is going then drill 2 tiny pin holes one on each side of the probe at the top. then use a thin piece of wire or twist tie to pin the probe on the wall.

looks really neat too.
Thats a great idea! thanks sturdy! im also going to chuck a few toilet rolls in for fun lol
hey just a question, is that cactus thingy at the back of your enclsoure safe? like if your bredli was to stretch out toward the heat source and fell on to it would it hurt him?
No the spindly things are soft sort of like a really soft rubber! i checked that out to make sure by rubbing it on my face and it was nice and soft
not sure if you have over looked it. but put a light cage over your fluro light (uv?) rather be safe than sorry
I was going to but then a really good breeder here in melbourne uses the same fluros as mine and has never had a problem! and he told me not to put one, i have touched the fluro its relly not hot
Postioning the probe too close to the heat source isnt the best.....all it will do is cause the globe to switch on and off continuously (if its that type).

The original position would be far better.Also if the snake is last seasons hatchy then you may find that the enclosure might be a bit big for it at this stage.
Yeah i think the enclosure will be to big but im going to give it a go, and if he isnt happy then i will put a click clack into the enclosure and keep him in that!!
Maybe tonight when i get home i will move the rpob back LOL
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