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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2004
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is it just my computer or everyones?

i got to contact seller and it comes up with a band across the middle where i think text is suppose to come up but dosn't

i want to contact a seller but can't for some reason
can someone help?
nup its still a blank band across the page
:shock: I use internet Explorer! Gosh I feel so obsolete, does this mean my beta video is out of date too? LOL :lol:
Beta, Wow, I intend to upgrade to that from my umatic(1 inch) machine.
Beta is actually the best form of video, most if not all t.v stations still use beta. Vhs was just bought in as a commercial thing to make money.
Fuscus said:
Isn't beta video just an expensive clock?

Lol exactly mate! :lol: :lol: :lol: I dont actually have one, but i could borrow one from the museum , to impress visitors ! lol
Fuscus said:
Most Computer Geeks hate IE. I fall into that catagory.

Looks like Im a long way from "Geekdom" yet or "Geekhood" Lol, I wont ask ya to explain why its bad, though ok. :D
As the Web master at the Herp Trader I can say with assurity that there is nothing special about the pages in question. It is after clicking the submit button that things start to get clever.

For those that have knowledge of the internals of web pages it is just your basic HTML form. I don't even think there is any Java Script validation of the data. All that is done in Perl after clicking the submit button.

When you experience this problem it might be worth checking other pages with forms on them. (Eg: www.whitepages.com.au or any of your regular haunts where you enter data into boxes.)

Clearing out your temporary internet files may be of assistance to you in resolving the issue if your browser has got itself in a knot. (Not just at the Herp Trader but anytime you experience this sort of problem.)

To do this in Internet Explorer follow these steps

*) Open Internet Explorer

*) Click on the Tools button

*) Select Internet Options

*) Under the heading Temporary Internet Files under the General tab, click the button Delete Files

*) Another dialog box will open, tick the option to, Delete all offline content

*) Click Ok

*) Once complete visit the Herp Shop Website, www.herpshop.com.au .

*) Hold down the Control (Ctrl) button and then press the F5 button, this will reload the Herp Shop / Herp Trader website.

*) Once complete attempt to access the pages you were looking for
I use mozilla firefox and it is awesome.

It works on the herpshop website. I used it the other day to inquirer about a pair of bredli.
Well, being a professional computer geek, I don't see anything wrong with I.E. It's free and it works. Providing you have good anti-virus measures, it should be no problem.

Of course, you should keep your fingers crossed at all times (which does make it difficult to type) but it helps! :wink:
Bryony said:
i have net scape

do i do the same thing?

Essentially yes but from memory it is off a different menu option.

(And for the record I much prefer the Mozilla (Netscape) offerings over IE which just seems to want to control your world.)
Hi herptrader - great site - you should be proud.

Looking through the code for the the offending frame and I was wrong about the MS specific code - sorry.

But line 8 confuses me. You have a start of comments marker there but you have no matching end of comment markers. Perhaps that is what confusing the other browsers.

Just did a quick test placing a end of comments marker before /script command and the frame runs

So IMHO I think your code should look like this

<script language="javascript">


your java scripts here


hope this helps
Bill Gates, eat ya heart out geek! (whispers.................Rich B*st*rd ).lol :D
I just replied to two ads on Herp Trader via IE and no problem at all.
Guess I'll just beat you all to the lovely bargains :)
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