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Oh thanks mate, the image is just so large I have to scroll all across it :) I'll give it a go.

Thanks mate, I feel silly now, haha.
you can zoom in to plot the points and then zoom out again to see the result. if the text is to small it can be made larger in the options :)
Cheers mate :)

This is a great program and it's simple to use (don't be fooled by my questions, I am computer illiterate, haha). Thanks for writing it, Swaddo.
No worries. I actually wrote it to measure fish in mates photos to stop them telling fibs, but it does a pretty good job on the herps too ;)
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When it was written I was working in a windows based company so it was developed on Windows 7 using C#. The app does run partially on mac and linux, but it has trouble importing and exporting. I did say i might try to get a cross platform version going but i havent gotten around to it yet.

I see there has been some debate about this paragraph ...

Note: I should add this is an enhanced version of the snakemeasurer software that has been round for years. added quite a bit of functionality that it lacked and that i thought it should have had ( like zoom, moving points, exporting to multiple image formates and loading/saving so things can be edited later)

I wrote HerpMeasure using the basic premise that snakemeasurer used. None of the code from snakemeasurer was used in my application, it was written completely from scratch. It's kind of line wordperfect paving the way for Microsoft word or openoffice :)
Here is my snake, all measured up :)

I still like string, but then I like the contact too!

And string doesn't need batteries lol
string is good but with wriggly snakes it is impossible to get an accurate measurement imo
ever throught of doing a vid on youtube step by step (in over words im not sure how to use it) haha
My pythons like to make it easier for me sometimes. I just had to get the tape measure out for this one..

She is 190cm.
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