Heteronotia binoei Plz reply ASAP THX

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awsome! wat temp do you incubate at 27-28? whats the stuff in the things lol let me re phrase that lol
what are the things holding the red stuff lol not beta at all hopefully you get me, i want to know what the eggs are sitting in and on (the red stuff anf the lil containers)


just asking because hopefully mine will breed
and will roaches be ok to feed them sprinkled with vit's and cal
I incubate them at 28 degrees. Hehehe! The red stuff is just sand...the sand is in milk bottle lids, which is resting on moist vermiculite with a 1:1 ratio by weight water to vermiculite
(basically weigh out how much vermiculite you need, then weigh exactly the same amount in water and mix together). Air tight lid, no holes.

As H.binoei lay hard shelled eggs they don't need so much moisture as soft shelled eggs. The sand they are in is dry.

I have incubated all my eggs with the above method (except that soft shelled eggs are put directly onto the vermiculite) and I have only lost 1 fertile egg, but that was because the
little one inside was deformed. I have been really pleased with this method, and have hatched out goodness knows how many geckos this season.

I really hope your adults lay for you next season. I have 2 females and they produced between them 12 eggs, 8 of which have already hatched, 1 was infertile and the
other three have yet to hatch. They all seem to be hatching around 75ish days at 28 degrees.

I'm sure small roaches will be fine, but I feed all my animals on crickets. LOTS of Reptivite and Reptical on their crickets/woodies and during breeding season, leave a small
bowl in their enclosure with reptical in it as they need it for egg reproduction, they will help themselves to it when they need it.

Do you have any pickies of yours? Would love to see them if you do.

Not really prickles, more like raised scales I guess. You will love them, they are so amusing to watch.

ok thx im really looking foward to them but before purchases i try not to get hopes up incase it doesnt work out
but yayayayyayayayayyaya lol i bet they will b great!
hey...saz just reading over this thread again and whats peat? is it those blocks you can buy from buinings?

and what do your bynoe's lay thier eggs on/in?

i would love more pics :) maybe a birds eye view of their tub to see the layout etc

thx alot daniel
Hey again!

Yes, coir peat is something you buy for your garden (help with water retention in soil I think). It comes in blocks. The bynoes lay their eggs directly onto the sand. As they lay hard shelled eggs this isn't a problem and they will quite happily hatch in the enclosure. I worry about the eggs being rolled and the adults eating any hatchlings before I get a chance to remove them so I incubate mine.

Here's a hatchling tub, I use the inside of a milk bottle lid for the waterbowl and a milk bottle lid with a semi-circle but out for the hide...they do really well in this set-up

Here's a couple of pics of the adult set-up...They have a milk bottle top for a water bowl, and a hide, which they rarely use, and a wood pile, which they love and spend all their time in or near.



No worries. I hope the sale goes through for you!

Thx, i would like to draw your attention to the post i just made on clacuim and vitamin powder i would like to hear what you think and use
sorry another question saz, do you feed your geko's froma food bowl or just put them into the cage and let the geko's chase and eat them?
I just tip them in and they run around catching them. My trio have tails almost as fat as their heads so I think I probably overfeed them a bit LOL!!

They prefer 'small' size crickets but will eat smaller and larger than that too without a problem. The hatchlings are fed on pinhead to begin with but quickly upgrade to a size inbetween pinhead and small. I probably put about 25 small crickets in the Bynoes enclosure every other day or every third day. They eat them all.

I tend to feed on demand, so if there are some left over, I'll put less in the next time, and more in if they are all gone.

ok will they b ok eatin woodies? i think i asked this b4 lol or is crickets the way to go cos my cricket breedin failed cos to hard to maintain them up here so i have to breed woodies
I'm sure they'll be fine as long as they are an appropriate size for them. They are really fierce eaters, I think they'd give anything a go LOL!

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