Hi Birthday present as a snake?

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trouser snake?

ZING! haahaha
If you think she would like one then this is potentially the best present ever haha, SXR do gift certificates so that mite be something to look into. Girls like pretty things, children pythons are beautiful to some but i would personally go for something a bit more flashy like a wheatbelt stimson or even a albino darwin. My blonde mac is very snappy and some times spooks me so i doubt a girl with no experience would appreciate a diva snake
Yeah stimmies are gorgeous especially the wheatbelt. That was my first snake and my gf had never been exposed much to snakes but as soon as she saw mine she fell in love :)
I hate the idea of animals being given as presents unless the person has asked for it
Yeah she really wants a snake because i'v bought myself a diamond and ever since i'v had him she has been nagging me to get her a snake but her pereants wouldn't be too happy with her having a snake in their house so I'm really in a messy situation, the plan was, I was going to give her a Louise Vuitton hand bag, but she wants a snake . it's what she wants in the end of the day true? Or do use still think I should stick with the hand bag?
Yeah she really wants a snake because i'v bought myself a diamond and ever since i'v had him she has been nagging me to get her a snake but her pereants wouldn't be too happy with her having a snake in their house so I'm really in a messy situation, the plan was, I was going to give her a Louise Vuitton hand bag, but she wants a snake . it's what she wants in the end of the day true? Or do use still think I should stick with the hand bag?

I think you'll have more fun with a snake not a hand bag haha, just make sure its sweet with her parents or maybe even keep it at your house. Just make sure the snake dos'nt end up being the centre of a custody battle :p
Yeah she really wants a snake because i'v bought myself a diamond and ever since i'v had him she has been nagging me to get her a snake but her pereants wouldn't be too happy with her having a snake in their house so I'm really in a messy situation, the plan was, I was going to give her a Louise Vuitton hand bag, but she wants a snake . it's what she wants in the end of the day true? Or do use still think I should stick with the hand bag?

snake skin hand bag lol Oops did i just say that ;)

Yeah she really wants a snake because i'v bought myself a diamond and ever since i'v had him she has been nagging me to get her a snake but her pereants wouldn't be too happy with her having a snake in their house so I'm really in a messy situation, the plan was, I was going to give her a Louise Vuitton hand bag, but she wants a snake . it's what she wants in the end of the day true? Or do use still think I should stick with the hand bag?

Handbag is easier to look after and can be put away in a cupboard when she is bored with it and there is no repercussions.

I have seen a few people who want snakes because their friend have them only to find that they are harder to look after once the novelty wears off.

Buy a handbag and put a rubber snake in it if she wants both
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