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Dec 30, 2012
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Hi, I'm Nicola from Italy :D I'm here to learn more about australian reptiles (not very common here, whit the exception of beardies :D) and specially about australian monitor lizards (unfortunately we can't keep them here, like others monitor lizards).
thank you and sorry for my bad english :D
gday nicola welcome you have come to the right place there is alot of info here....what species do you keep or looking at getting from this wonderful country...
Sorry for the bad English? That paragraph you just wrote shows you have more English skills / typing skills then 2/3 of this forum. Welcome
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Benvenuto Nicola! :D Your English is very good! Hope you enjoy your stay here and are able to gather heaps of info on our Aussie varanids, there are plenty of knowledgeable monitor folk on the boards :)
Hey Nicola! Your English skills are great, as good as us Aussies ;) You'll find out everything you need to know about Australian Monitors on this site! Welcome :)
Welcome, you'll learn a lot here as I have in the past month and a half
Welcome mate.

I'm sure you will find all the answers to all the questions you have. I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope that when you walk away it will be with a large knowledge of reptiles and other animals.:D

kindest regards
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thanks to all :D

gday nicola welcome you have come to the right place there is alot of info here....what species do you keep or looking at getting from this wonderful country...

actually I keep a 2 years old Liasis fuscus and I'm looking for a female specimen :D Nexth month i will have two Liasis olivaceus (I love this genus :D), a pair of Woma and I would like to a little group of Physignathus lesueurii, maybe in an outdoor enclosure :D unfotunately we can't keep monitors (they're considered dangerous by a "strange" local law)... I'd give my left hand for some V. acanthurus, gilleni & co. eheheh
You have a good taste in reptiles. You will fit in well.
Good on you. You have 2 very nice snake species and I'm sure you will get more in future.:D
Welcome to the family. ..... I'm sure you will find what you need on here.....and remember if you have pictures there a must not an option ;)
Welcome to the forum, nice to have you join us.

Kindest regards

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