Hmm which to choose?

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I have kept all three species you mention, Angle heads live in a very specific habitat and should only be considered by experienced keepers, BDs are great, though require a bit of room, heat and food, they require a lot of upkeep but give plenty back. If you are willing to put a lot of time and effort into your lizard then a beardy is for you. N. levis are pretty easy to keep if you do your research, they are easy to breed though as with all geckos they are not hands on reptiles, and are shy and dont make for good viewing lizards, some keepers get easily bored of gecko keeping, asp Nephrurus that bury in the day..... if you want a low maintenance gecko that you can see all day, look at Strophurus sp.... not playful and exciting but at least you can see them 24/7
Thanks Jason. Thats very informative. Are there any other lizards you keep or know of that you like and are not excessively difficult to look after?
Any suggestions welcome guys. Thanks so much.
After keeping a lot of various lizards my favourites are Pink-tongued skinks (easy after one year of age), Sand Swimmer Skinks (easy on their own) and Hosmer skinks, easy all round but hard to find....
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I have sub adults in a 4 x 3 x 3 and I rekon that you could keep one in that most of it's life. But If in a few years you get room a bird aviary is the go with a pond.

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