Think Lizzy's been awake off and on for a week or so, my wife says she thought she caught a glimsp of something with a long tail dashing across the carpet one day last week.
Then I spotted a cheaky house mouse a couple of days ago when I got up just before dawn who was grooming itself in the middle of the kitchen floor. If they didn't poo all over everything, I'd be fine with mouse living with us, but now we have a grandchild who visits, the mouse had to go. The mouse has been dispatched - peanut button on one of those plastic spring traps, got it within a hour of my setting the trap. I had just assumed that since Lizzy was asleep that what my wife saw was a mouse.
I've now put the mouse trap away, wouldn't want to accidently kill Lizzy if Lizzy got curious about the trap, as he's apt to since he has been very inquisitive (do skink's like peanut butter ?).
I'm assuming if the mouse knew Lizzy was in residence, the mouse would have left because Lizzy would probably have seen the mouse or it's babies as food. Lizzy can go everywhere a mouse can. Dispatched the mouse before I knew Lizzy was awake and still living with us.
Yes - I'm very releaved and pleased that my little buddy Lizzy is OK and has stayed with us.