Housing Beardies and Water Dragons togethor

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Yes but this guy who asked is just starting out learn with one species first , and what are you using to monitor stress levels etc, it is agreed by most Learned Herps that it is stressful and not the optium for the animal just plain bad husbandry.
But I am aware that there are exceptions to the norm.
If you think about it, water dragons naturally live together in high population densities, they only occur close to the water's edge along a waterway
yep I have seen areas infested with water dragons that even had the odd lacy foraging in the same area, but the water dragons lived alongside the river & the lacies were closer to the bush & trees. In a pit situation it would need to be huge. If you had a somalian family living on one side, & cambodians on the other, how stressed would you get if the govt sold their houses & relocated them in your lounge room?
thanks for all of your help and suggestions guys, ill take everything into consideration.
Patto said:
thanks for all of your help and suggestions guys, ill take everything into consideration.

Do some research mate do not listen to well meaning misinformation there are plenty of experts out there who are only too willing to help. Speak to your local zoo A good Reptile vet etc. Not hobbyists.
What the hell is wrong with you people (kids)! Every frog,lizard,dragon etc must not be housed in the same pit,cage.If you do you are a bad keeper and should not be in this game! Zoo do put some R together because of space, but if they jump off a bridge you all will too please!! There are laws with your licence on this per each animal and cage size per each animal.You are not to cross them (breed)everyone should no why if you don't buy a goldfish.Stop carrying on like nut cases.This site is meant for people to share the thing they learn and to have little hello and what not. I been do the herp thing for 20 years and i can't understand you all. I will not be back on this site again to many dumb asses!!!
The end of Dragons
Here in canberra the owner of canberra exotics houses EWD,eastern/central BD, blue tongues and turtles in an outdoor enclosure. I visit this store on a fort nightly basis and have never witness hostility within the enclosure. Theres over 20 full grown dragons in his out enclosure, as long as you provide enough room, then its should be ok.

Also i keep 2 juvenile eastern BDs with a juvenile EWD in an indoor enclosure for a good 10months now and they all get along very well. The 2 BDs are larger than the EWD, and they've never bullied one another.
Dragons said:
What the hell is wrong with you people (kids)! Every frog,lizard,dragon etc must not be housed in the same pit,cage.If you do you are a bad keeper and should not be in this game! Zoo do put some R together because of space, but if they jump off a bridge you all will too please!! There are laws with your licence on this per each animal and cage size per each animal.You are not to cross them (breed)everyone should no why if you don't buy a goldfish.Stop carrying on like nut cases.This site is meant for people to share the thing they learn and to have little hello and what not. I been do the herp thing for 20 years and i can't understand you all. I will not be back on this site again to many dumb asses!!!
The end of Dragons

Not too happy i see :shock: :shock:
Wow, a bit of controversy over what i thought was a simple enough solution.

Obviously Patto you are living around the Sydney area, and of course i am sure you have seen numerous EWD's and barbata around reasonably local areas to you. Of course they can be housed together in a backyard pit which is large enough to accomodate both species. Provided there is enough basking areas to share, enough water availability for both species, and enough food variety provided for both species( although they do have very similar diets).
I have known many people on the Central Coast who have successfully kept and bred these species in backyard pits together. To be honest, this is a great way of keeping these two species as it provides them with the basic essentials of steady provision of natural environment (Weather, day/night cycle), and of course access to natural sunlight and UV.

However keeping them outdoors in Melbourne is best left for the late spring until early autumn. ( just for the melbourne people!) Although that is just a general rule.

Cheers Rossco.
Shewhomustbeobeyed i have been to the oz reptile park in gosford and seen in a pit TOGETHER two adult rbb with eastern long neck turts, mountain heaths and jackys. toronga zoo keeps eatern beardies, central beardies, common blues and land mullets together. in both situations they were in out side pits aprox 4mx6m and they were getting along fine. i have also seen several imes lizards in groups, eg on my way back from the central coast i spotted what looked to be about 6 beardeis on the side of the road basking together and if you go down the river in summer you can and probably will see water dragons together here. so although poeple keep saying herps are solitary animals i have seen many examples that would show they can live alongside each other and some times in the same groups.
What the hell is wrong with you people (kids)! Every frog,lizard,dragon etc must not be housed in the same pit,cage.If you do you are a bad keeper and should not be in this game! Zoo do put some R together because of space, but if they jump off a bridge you all will too please!! There are laws with your licence on this per each animal and cage size per each animal.You are not to cross them (breed)everyone should no why if you don't buy a goldfish.Stop carrying on like nut cases.This site is meant for people to share the thing they learn and to have little hello and what not. I been do the herp thing for 20 years and i can't understand you all. I will not be back on this site again to many dumb asses!!!
The end of Dragons

Thanks champ.... :roll:
I love the assumption that you are a bad keeper if you keep different species together, it's actually laughable.
It just takes common sense.
boa said:
I love the assumption that you are a bad keeper if you keep different species together, it's actually laughable.
It just takes common sense.

Common sense: A form of evidence that is based on conventional wisdom, tradition, or someone?s personal philosophy or perspective. It is hard to judge the validity and reliability of common sense because little supporting evidence is involved. Most people judge the validity and reliability of common sense by the person citing common sense as the basis for a decision. However, common sense can be a very biased approach to decision making and means nothing more than ?what is common to me makes sense.?
:lol: I think we just have to accept different people have different views.
Actually, Ive never seen P.Barbata and EWDs together, they have similar climates but not exact.
To keep them together you will need to compromise the needs of one species. Beardies are generally dry scloriferal and ewds exist generally near water courses. Subtle differences but differences non the less.
Of course some lack common sense, I mean who in their right mind would heat an animal without a thermostat ? :lol:
The thing is how many people that keep Bearded dragons or Water dragons keep either species in a near natural environment ? They are often kept in a tank with newspaper on the floor, with a log to climb on and a water bowl. Each species will thrive in those conditions.
Ive never seen P.Barbata and EWDs together
i have seen them with in about 10m of each other down the napean river.

To keep them together you will need to compromise the needs of one species
but if you have a large enough enclosure with one end having a pond with over hanging branches and the other end more dry with plants and logs, i would imagin that would supply them both with natural environment.

P.S. not picking on your post by the way just my thoughts.
I have friends in Victoria who have WD and Bearded dragons together outside all year round and breed them every year with turtles and Blue tongues etc. I think people are making this far more complicated than it needs to be. The aimals need sunlight, food, shelter and that's about it, they seem to care little who their neighbours are.
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