How best to heat a cage for baby snakes?

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Not so new Member
Dec 5, 2012
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Newcastle, NSW
So im getting 2 new Jungle babies at the end of February and im wondering how best to heat the cage? It will be a fairly small enclosure at first to reduce stress and ill probably swap them up a size after a few months but I just dont know if i should use a red heat light AND a heat lamp or just one.
Also when i first get them should i keep them separated at first? im getting a boy and girl.
Any opinions would be great.


Also i should probably say it will be a wooden enclosure with an opening roof and glass front.
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You'll find there are greatly varying opinions by members of these forums over whether to house snakes together.
You would do well to search the topic and have a read through some of the threads - there is obviously always a chance something can go wrong when keeping snakes together so make sure you are aware of these consequences and are prepared to deal with it if it unfortunately happens.

Can I ask how small you are planning the cage to be?

If you must keep them together I would suggest separate basking spots with separate warm and cool hides.
A red heat light will be fine on it's own, provided that it is able supply adequate temps - Only you will know that by testing it out BEFORE your animals are introduced.

There are other heating options available. Do a search for heat mats / cords for idea's.

As for keeping them together permanently, there is a RISK involved in doing this. Sure, some people will say that they've done this for an eternity without any issues, but then there will always be someone who has done it and it has ended in tragedy.
I have an 8 month old jungle in a 6 liter tuppawear container with a 7 watt heat mat an it does the trick as for housing them together I don't think it's worth the risk but that's just my op!
I keep hatchies-yearlings in small tubs with a heatcord routed into melamine,temperature in warm end is great..
Also how big is too big when it comes to the enclosures? Ive been looking at a tank thats about 1m -50cm -50cm and then dividing it in half for each snake. That makes each half 50-50-50 and 125 Litres. I know they like to climb around so they like the space but will that be stressing for them at first? Should i maybe keep them in a smaller plastic container for a month and then move them into the larger one after their first couple of feeds?
Kelton22 there is some really nice set ups search on here for enclosures there are some really nice ones and you will get an idea what they will need and how to set up.
Go on YouTube an look up hatchling set ups I'd advise something small like 5-10 liter plastic click clacks wish I could figure out how to post pics from my iPhone cause I just made a pimp one for my jungle baby with metal scewers for 3 alternate climbing levels with a hide on each one I was so proud of myself lol
10lt plastic tub with a heat mat/heat cord is more than adequate. Look up hatchling housing on google or here, should find plenty of detailed setup advice.
Talk to whoever you are getting from. Lights are hard to achieve acurate temperature gradients in small containers. A heat mat is the easiest with the least room for error.
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