Heat lamp cage very loose?

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New Member
Jul 9, 2023
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Hi everyone,
I'm setting up my Stimmie's new big enclosure and so am using heat lamp cages for the first time. I'm finding that the cages are very loose and come away from the tops very easily, you barely have to twist it at all. Thought it was a faulty one at first but they are both like this. I'm worried that if she climbs up and curls around it it will fall off and she could get seriously hurt. Is this a problem anyone else has had and does anyone have a suggestion to prevent this from happening and make it more secure? I am 99% sure everything is set up correctly and have checked many times to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm using the ReptileOne heat cages along with that brand's ceramic fitters and terrarium.
Thank you!
Hi neverell,

It's been ages since I had one of those light cages but from memory, on reviewing https://reptileone.com.au/manual/Heatlamp-Cage-instruction.pdf , you have to back twist the ceramic fitting tightly on the c ring that goes into the light cage, clamping the ring in the middle. Also as mentioned in step 6 once things are assembled you can use screws to secure the cage to the mesh in the top of your terrarium and keep it from twisting if things are still a bit too loose.

Best of luck!
not to freak you out but I read a post about this when I started out and the post was actually a case of someone's snake that did exactly that and it fell and broke its spine, and I had literally just got one myself lol if your enclosure has a mesh top like mine did you can thread wire down though the top, through the cage and back through the top, I just used the coated wire strips that came holding all the cables for everything in the packaging and made sure the ends came out so there's nothing sharp on the inside and it worked really well, it's just a but annoying if you need to change a bulb. Just do 2 or 3 bits of wire around like a triangle and twist them tight. I never had any problems after I did that