Just fed my Woma a small hoppper and it looks like he doesn't know what to do with it! He started at the feet and now is trying the middle of the rat. Is he ok or should I take it from him and give him a fuzzy?
my diamond is 5 months old sometimes she takes soooooooo long to finally stop thinking and start swallowing! Once it took about 25mins till she put it in her mouth. i had a yearling previously that didnt waste time so perhaps it is a young snake thing?
I say dont take it away just let them think for awhile i am sure he will down it in his own time.
Oh wow ok it's not that large the rat. Prob about 25g. He usually has 2 fuzzies and handles them no worries just this larger 1 seems to have him confused or something as he is trying to eat it from the tail end. So I thought it may be too large.
every time i feed my woma (same age but 2ft)) he will try and eat it by the foot then the other foot then move to the middle and then the tail and after all that the head, takes him about 1 hour sometimes, it has taken him 2 hours once i just call him my special little bud, my 1 is on mouse size rats atm but is due for an upgrade in rat size.
haha my peanuts sits there for ages wrapped around her food! I think she's waiting for it to die! haha but then after about 10 mins of that she can spend anywhere up to 25mins looking at it and checking it out before she starts swallowing too. And she's nearly 2 years old now.