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Yes still organizing to pick one out, he just doesn't know and as I need a place to stay first because his sister is kicking us out :( I don't have a license just yet. Gonna make him come with me to look at some hatchies when I get around to calling lol
Was never allowed when I was at home so I Moved out , got all my reps and then moved back lol

and truelly if they had a problem Id move out rather than get rid of my reps ! Id dump a boyfriend before getting rid of my reps ! and I probably leave a job before getting rid of my reps ! They are my family now !
my mum agreed on letting me get my spotted if i wasnt going to want any more pets,,,, 5 months after i got a jungle which i paid for instead...she has said NO MORE so im deciding on getting 2 6ft olives and rock up to the house, if she has a problem talk to the olives >.<
I'm lucky that my partners as big a reptile addict as I am so we have never had that issue.
Firedrake your biggest mistake was asking him, you should have just told him your getting a snake, don't ask:lol: & for those of you that still live at home but can afford reptiles don't inflict your hobby on your parents, move out:lol:
I'm lucky that my partners as big a reptile addict as I am so we have never had that issue.

Im in the same vote my partner loves them as much as me, she has even surprised me with a GTP for my birthday last year. I wont trade this one in shes a keeper lol.
My Father was petrified of snakes to the point i had to take my enclosure downstairs when my parents came to visit. Now my parents have a snake of their own, and he loves holding mine whe i get them out. You might be suprised.
Lol yeah I worked that out as soon as I'd asked. I'm still getting one I'll just get a very small one :p Planning to get the license and keep the snake at mum's place and change the address when I get my own house. Is that allowed?
Firedrake just put your mums address on your license then change it when you get your own place:)
Greenmad that's an awesome present, I might have to drop a few hints to my lovely man before my birthday:lol:
I will do that as soon as I get paid, I don't have a spare hundred laying around atm and I gotta start collecting the essentials for a soon-to-be-made click-clack :D

Hey do I have to keep it at mum's if the address is on my license?
No just change your address when you move & they will most likely send you a new copy of your license with the correct address
I mean to start with, if the address that's on my license isn't the one I'm keeping it at (although it probably will be) would I get in trouble?
If they found out you might get in trouble because I know in nsw you have to put the address where your reptiles are kept but if it's only going to be for a few weeks or so I wouldn't stress too much about it, it might be worth giving them a ring to find out for sure.
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I'd end up keeping it with mum anyway I think, I wouldn't want to risk my bf killing it in the move :S My little (18 yr old) brother loves snakes I'm sure he would look after it for me for a while if I can't get there.
I had all mine in the shed then moved them into the lounge room
she did not speak to me for a week, would not go in the loungeroom ect ect
She told me i have her or the snakes So I moved out & Left the snakes there. Only took 2 days and she was begging me to come back.
Strange how quickly ppl get over things when they are losing something...SNAKES HAVE NOT BEEN AN ISSUE SINCE....
My wife HATES my snakes :lol: (Even though I know she understands how much I love them and wouldn't wish anything bad to happen to them because of this)...she HATES my elapids even more! My daughter was hiding my lowlands copperheads in her bedside drawer for awhile - until I got them set up properly – so I always had the kids onboard (and as such have a healthy respect for snakes) If I had to wait for permission I'd never had been allowed to keep them. What I wanted wasn’t going to affect her, so as far as I was concerned it wasn’t going to be her choice.

Life is too short for people to be holding others back from their passions. Partners shouldn’t be there preventing one another from doing new things or taking up new hobbies (no, I’m not talking about swingers clubs or organizing six-somes :lol:). She was delighted (not) when I told her I’ve applied for my firearms license and getting back into shooting – again, not her choice. If I respected every wish she ever had, I might as well have bronzed myself and stood in a corner. Compromise? That’s a word I hear plenty of! Errrrrr….I’ll only keep Allans lolly snakes, and be the only 40yr old running around with a cap gun.

Partners, wives, husbands should be there to encourage, support and allow each other to flourish, not impose limits, regulate and control one another because ideally that’s how they wish to view their partner. That sort of thing breeds resentment. I don’t impose, regulate or control, and expect the same in return. If you’re pulling your weight, available, courteous and all the other things you should be, then it’s a two-way street as far as I’m concerned, and if they don’t like it, tell them to take the nearest side street – unless of course you’re under the thumb :lol:
Once i finally completed my Jedi training, I found that nothing was impossible.
Off topic but Moosenoose I will always remember the pic's of your kid's with the massive olive python, they were the most gorgeous pic's & i'm not at all suprised your daughter now pinches your copperheads:lol:
:D The kids were always getting snakes tossed into their beds at night for a cuddle when they were younger. But knowing my wife doesn’t like them, I’d never have tossed one at her or pressured her into handling them (even though it’d probably be beneficial :lol:)

She thinks I want to bump her off with the rifle, but I said it would have been quieter and less suspicious using an adder in her bed :lol: ......she has trust issues hehe I don't help :lol:

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