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At first my partner hated snakes so I took her to a friends place for a BBQ and this friend just happened to have a garage full of snakes, lizards and frogs :)
She saw me handling some of the bigger snakes and thought it was pretty cool, but didn't want to touch them.
Eventually, I got her to get over her fear of scaled animals, by letting her hold a bearded dragon.
From there, she wanted to try and handle bigger things and she now handles an 8 foot coastal by herself :) (with me watching of course)

She still has a fear of frogs though. I haven't really helped that (not a fan of frogs). Just last night I asked her to get the mail out of the mailbox knowing there was a big green tree frog in there. I giggled like a little girl watching her stick her head in there to see what mail was in there LOL.
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yea i know, she made the mistake of letting me get the one ive always wanted before selling any :p is that a win haha?

Tahlia, bikes are the best thing ever invented, so much freedom, and theres not feeling like being on one, everyone has the wrong idea of bikes, its the people around that do the damage, but if your an aware danger 99.9% of the time every situation you can get out of.
:D My brother's agreed to look after snakey while I'm looking for a more permanent place to stay :D :D I'm so happy I can't wait!!!! I don't have a credit card, so I don't know if I can buy stuff online, how should I go about getting the heating for my baby?
Well he either sulks, calls me a bitch and chucks a tantrum or tells me I don't know what I'm talking about and does what he wants anyway...I'd love to tell him to get over it I just don't see the point in the fighting after I say it lol. When I have my own house I'll just tell him he doesn't have to live with the snakes, but I'm having them. Besides it's either that or a tattoo :)

He calls you a bitch and tells you you don't know what you're talking about? That's not cool. Seriously, I'm with Kaotikjezta; he sounds like a spoilt brat, and that's not a respectful way to treat someone you're supposed to love. There seem to be slightly more snake-loving boys than girls; find yourself a man with his own collection, then the only arguments about snake ownership will be who saw the ad first and which one of you's going to buy it. Or be single and be a Crazy Snake Lady.:)

Get the tattoo, too. They're awesome and just as addictive as snakes.:)

Good luck, Firedrake; congratulations on doing something for yourself, and I hope your new snake's a darling, whatever s/he ends up being. Please keep us posted!!

My guy's got his own snakes; we knew each other for years before we got together and I found out later it was my snake that inspired him to get his own. We like the same sorts of snakes, too, which is handy, and we also like building stuff together, so designing new vivaria is fun.
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Thanks Naga I've sent off my application so hopefully in a few weeks I'll get my license and he won't have a choice...and yes I'm getting the tattoo/s regardless but that may have to wait til I've saved some more money after snakey :D

PS I have another 'snake friendly' man in mind if this one decides I'm not worth it :)
I can't wait I've picked a few names already now just to see if they suit when I get my baby :D Gotta buy some batteries for my cam so I can take lots of pics :D :D :D
Hahaha I met my girlfriend when I was out catching geckos. She has just gotten a license and I am giving here a CBD.
I am not a snake person but she has no problems with them either apart from being smart enough to stay a good arm or twos length away from an angry jungle. :p
I asked for 1, and my partner said ok, only one snake allowed upstairs, he doesn't like them he has touched mine but he is totally freaked out about them, I now have 3 downstairs, he didn't mention that i couldn't have them there, and I'm working on 3 more with him, and as long as I dont bring them near him its ok
I'm currently at a mates place who has been trying to convince his missus to let him get a snake.
She's really against it and all she can say is she doesn't like snakes, can't say why though...

Now that I'm here, it's two against one and I'm a better debater than he is lol.

Our main argument point at the moment is the aunt she doesn't like, hates snakes and won't come over if he gets one hehe.

I reckon he'll have a snake soon :)
I found a guy who doesn't really like snakes but is open to any species of lizard, we have tons in common and he won't just say no to a snake....only problem is he lives in SA....but thats easily fixed ;) now all I gotta find out is just how much my man hates snakes >.>
Re- my other post above...

We won! We won!

But he's only allowed to get one. But it's better than nothing.
Pretty sure it'll only be one...

For now hehehe.
Got my girlfriend to feed my Centralian tonight. Was pretty stoked that she did it, although she was pretty freaked out how fast my bredli moved once it picked up the scent.

Considering when I first met her she didn't like my animals much at all...this is a bit of a victory. She likes my coastal a lot more than the bredli though.
HAHA! No need to move to SA now, bf finally admitted it wouldn't really bother him if I got a snake and when we get our own place it can move in with us :D I've sent the money and my licence application on tuesday so in a few days I should have it back and I've started looking around for the supplies for my click-clack. On which note, would it be ok to use a desk lamp for heating/lighting? And would you believe it, Kmart has sold out of sistema 7L containers :eek: Does anyone in South/Port Hedland have a spare heat mat/cord?

And/or breed mice?
My partner and I convinced each other we should have close to a hundred reps, and a heap of scorps and spiders. We hate each other for it and both insist it was the other persons idea to keep so many. We must be pretty convincing... :lol:

On a serious note though, so glad I don't have to have this fight with my current partner, it got old pretty fast with the previous ones.
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