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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2004
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how many pets and what are they just out of inteest and what animal is your fav?
We have two desexed Adult boy(?) Cats. There is a cat trap set outside for all the feral cats that might come visiting though. PS. Dave desexes the boys, not the girls. That's a vet job for sure.
we did this before last week sometime Bryony check the other forums if you dont get many replies
I have 1 murray darling 2 coastals 2 dobermans 2 birds and three rats
We have 20 snakes,2 dogs,1 bird,4 blue tongues, 11 rats,2 mice and 2 kids
2 snakes, 3 beardeds, 3 blue tongues, 2 fat tailed dunarts, 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 axalotles, 1 turtle and 2 water dragons and the list is still growing
pet rats? Mick
The kids pets i suppose but i like my girl she is a nice cream colour and is sitting on my shoulder at the moment
You have to let them know you so they wont bite when you take the babies out for food Lol
No i really love all animals not overly keen on cats though mainly due to people not keeping them in thier own yards and having them roam around at night
Yikes the rubber band does not sound humane at all, is this a wind-up? :shock:
(Zoe will freak)

I took my male kitten to the vet to have it done, it was a very straightforward proceedure. All they had to do was knock him out then make a small incision near each testicle which cuts some tube <dunno what its called>. Did not cost much $30.

The whole op only took about 10 minutes, since that his balls have shrunk but are still existent <just>. I think he likes that they are still there although non-functional lol.
Well i'm a vet nurse and the rubber band "trick" is horrible!
It is exactly like what pinkie said
All they had to do was knock him out then make a small incision near each testicle which cuts some tube
but there is a bit more to it than that
doberman mick, put a rubberband around your own nuts and give em a flick. bet its a different story. cruel stuff, no matter how normal and acceptable in some places. same for sheep but theres a financial difference with that. you wont d.i.y with your herps to save a few bucks, so why with furry things?
I apoligize i have removed the posts so as not to offend anyone i was brought up on a farm and these practices are normal i have not done this for a long time over 15 years ago maybe it was cause i was young but once you have been on a farm and see the costs of getting vets out that have to travel over an hour each way and have over 100 head of cattle to do at one time its costs a lot also we were having a bad time with low rainfall and buying feed and grain didnt have the money to stretch around
Mick, I can see where you are coming from as it is common practice on sheep and cattle on farms, even these days.
Although I don't really agree with it and totally cringe at the thought lol
Thanks jimmy but as i said on a farm its normal i dont remember sometimes that some people have not had to live through a drought and the disadvantages that may involve you have to save money where you can and sometimes even put down animals that are unable to walk due to lack of water and feed
Instar you have seen the pics on tv but its not the same as living through it
Understood, just dont want to hear about it. nothin personal dobermanmick. :wink:
lol bryony its almost that simple! i was a vet nurse for 2 1/2 years and they only get a very short acting GA, a little cut in the sack and quickly tie the tubes together and cut em off! thats how one of our vets did it anyway. its the crunching of the tattoo machine that gives me the creeps lol.

and mick, ive seen that op so many times im sure i could do it just kidding, ur safe, i didnt get to read ur threads until after u changed em :wink:
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