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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2011
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NSW South West
Just a little place where people can talk about how much they paid for their snakes and at what price and if they think they got a fair deal. Same thing would go if you want to talk about snake prices but don't have the snake.

I don't want any snarky remarks from people who get jealous because they can't afford expensive snakes either, just let people talk honestly. Those who can't afford expensive snakes, be happy with what you have and the fact you love your animals as they are. I started out not being able to afford expensive animals too and so know the feeling.

Ok, usually I don't buy anything over $200 for any age of snake. I started out with commons then graduated into colour morphs and now I'm looking at even more specials. I recently bought a $200 high yellow Diamond and a $240 Wenlock Jungle (those who don't know what a Wenlock type is, it looks like a honey and brown version of a Palmerston black and high yellow).

On from that I went and spent even more. $450 for a HET Darwin and $900 for an Albino Darwin. I got the HET from Snake Ranch at the Castle Hill show. I'm still thinking maybe I paid too much, but she is something of an RPM. She has very little black/orange/white colour banding as common Darwind have, its all blended together like a dollup of caramel, hence her name, Caramel. She looks like an Orange Pepper morph but without the pepper, or a Hypo Bredli but with less white.

As for the Albino, I feel its an ok price for something thats 6 months old or so, considering yearlings go for about $1200 or so. According to SXR anyway.

Does anyone else have any of their snakes or pricing they want to talk about?
I got my first 2 coastal hatchies for about $100 each, they are caramel hets I feel it was a bargin as they were healthy, disease free and sooooo placid. I paid recently, $200 for a 2.5 year old Lemon and Olive Coastal female that too I consider a bargin as she is healthy and very placid. My jungle hatchy I paid $250 for she is healthy and feeding well, she was not handled at all as they concentrated on getting her feeding well so she was typically snappy(calming down nicely now) I cannot complain about the prices or the quality I am 100% convinced I got absolute bargins :) I would love to buy dearer snakes but feel for now I need the experience first :)
never paid for nothing so yer all mine were bargains. i reckon Diamonds should be worth a lot more than they get considering there ease of handling when older but due to the fact they are a bitch to get started. i reckon the time you spend getting there motor kicking means they should be worth double what they get. Around $500.00 would be a starting point. Also inland tais should be worth more, the more people it can kill the more it should be worth.
If its a 100% het darwin (and only darwin) and has reduced pattern its only an RP (reduced pattern), RPM is for (reduced pattern morph) = jag python.

Something is worth what your willing to pay for it, you pay more for quality.
I paid $250 for my first atherton (inc enclosure), I paid $50 for my Murray Darling from Chondros on here, $250 for my black and yellow Jungle, and $150 for my NT woma.

All of them are awesome animals, regardless of price. I am saving for an Albino Darwin at the moment.

OOOOPS- I forgot my diamond, i paid $250 for him.
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Newto, why don't you try Mark and Pia's reptiles, I can email you their contact details for Albinos through PM if you want. I'm currently paying off my purchase with them. Instead of paying it all up front, perhaps a layby appeals to you more. They are in the Illawarra area, south of Sydney. If you're going to the Illawarra Herp Society's show on April 15th at Kembla Grange Racecourse, perhaps you can see them there and organise something
Don't go for the cheapest, its much better paying good money for good quality snakes from good quality breeders.
Newto, why don't you try Mark and Pia's reptiles, I can email you their contact details for Albinos through PM if you want. I'm currently paying off my purchase with them. Instead of paying it all up front, perhaps a layby appeals to you more. They are in the Illawarra area, south of Sydney. If you're going to the Illawarra Herp Society's show on April 15th at Kembla Grange Racecourse, perhaps you can see them there and organise something

Thanks Spilota freak, but i already have something worked out with a breeder.

I am hoping to get to that rep show though, as I am no longer able to make it to this weekends due to insufficient funds :)

Don't go for the cheapest, its much better paying good money for good quality snakes from good quality breeders.

I haven't gone out of my way to go for the cheapest, most of mine have just happened to be bargains.
Cheapest snake: Coastal, $75 a few years ago.
... Most expensive: 1 x hatchling green ($1200) or my pair of SXR albino darwins ($2800)....
yeah its good to get a bargin, but at the same time if your buying a diamond or soemthing for $80 theres something wrong with it, if u want good quality animals your going to pay the extra $$$
I bought my normal looking Jungle for $600 at the end of 2007. It's amazing to see how much things have dropped so quickly.
Something is worth what your willing to pay for it, you pay more for quality.

I agree 100% with this remark!

Some of us have spent more on 1 reptile than most people commenting on this thread have for their entire collection, But we do so to get the upper end quality animals that we want.
why are pepole so hung up on if they paid too much for this or that ? if u think u paid too much then why did u buy it ?
why are pepole so hung up on if they paid too much for this or that ? if u think u paid too much then why did u buy it ?

Agreed ppl will sell and pay what there worth. My most exspencive python was 3 k this year and cheapest was two hatchy coastal this year given for free.

Cheers Brenton
Ours were mostly around the $200-$250 mark, I don't think we got super ripped off with any of them. Our big Bredli girl was $450 with an enclosure that was way too small for her (half the reason I bought her was to get her out of that thing, which is now a nice home for one of our coastals, not yet fully grown), I think the biggest "rip-off" of ours was the $400 we paid for our Brisbane, but he's a beautiful snake with a matching temperament and I love him dearly, so I'm happy with the price we paid. The only problem with him is he's prone to mites. He's exactly like one of those kids that's always got nits. Drives me mental, I think I've got it licked, and then he pops up with more. None of the others have the same issue, but I swear if there's a single mite within 400m of this snake, it makes a beeline for him. Maybe he's just tasty.
As for price=quality, I don't think that's necessarily true, but it can be. Our cheapest was free, and an utter bastard.
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