How not to freight a gecko!

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I am no expert but the animal pictured seemed like a run of the mill Aymae. I agree that some times "special animals are not available locally and for some people local can be a long distance but welfare also has a value along with time, petrol and tolls and should be factored into the decision.
People might not have 6 hours to spare doing a round trip?
The costs associated with the above trip may well exceed the cost of freighting when you factor time,petrol and tolls?
Local animals might not be of the standard they are looking for?
Price may not be realistic?
The may want to breed animals with particular patterns?

Seriously, why wouldn't you if it was something you really wanted?
Absolutely disgraceful. If people can't put a reptile inside a bag and put some shredded paper or screwed up newspaper to stop it from being bashed around they shouldn't be breeding reptiles and freighting them at all.

We don't have name and shame on here as its against the site rules but anyone who wants to know more and who it was then there's no rules about messaging the thread poster to find out who this bloke is.

To crokka89 - I would suggest you'll send a complaint to the mods/admin about this subscriber/seller and detail all the facts that happened.
Why do you guys freight relatively common reptiles? With reptiles available locally Australia wide why not buy locally to avoid these possible problems associated with freighting?

i had to frieght in 2 female beardies and it is actually quite hard to find 2 females for sale. mostly its all males or babies that are unsexed or even unsexed adults. plus it was more than 6 hours drive away, and i have a baby who i know would not put up with a total of 12 hours on the road plus petrol, tolls ect

sometimes the reptile is very common but the sex or colour ect is hard to find and due to distance your forced to frieght.
i live in the outback hence i cant buy locally for things i might want and have no choice but to fly in purchases

ive been really lucky i guess and have had NO major problems with packaging and one time when the blokes unloaded the plane they tossed the container onto the trolley but thankfully the inside reptile had been packaged properly and naturally when i complained it got the old 'passing of the buck'
Disgusting on many fronts, Croka please pm me the seller of this gecko.

I have a gecko page on facebook and if this seller is on there I'm booting them asap to protect the potential future buyers and animals well being. They obviously don't have a grasp on duty of care for the animals.

Please follow Colins advice so others don't have to put up with this minimal standard of animal care. Also leaving feedback on their profile would be an idea to warn others.

Thanks for posting
I am no expert but the animal pictured seemed like a run of the mill Aymae. I agree that some times "special animals are not available locally and for some people local can be a long distance but welfare also has a value along with time, petrol and tolls and should be factored into the decision.

Even "run of the mill Aymae" arent exactly on every corner, especially if you live somewhere like South Adelaide.
AAE don't drop things

My hubby used to work for AAE and I know for a fact they Do Drop Things!!!!!! Your lucky the poor little thing survived!!!!:shock:
G'day Trevor,
That is bloody disgraceful. My feelings mirror what many others have already posted. Please PM me the name of the seller. You are very fortunate that the little fella turned up unhurt. He is lucky to be going to a good home!
I propose that you provide his/her details to the moderators on this forum (and any other reptile that this person is associated with AGF and ARF). I would hope that the mods could find a way of suspending them from being able to participate in the forums or post Ads. Hitting pathetic sellers like this where it hurts (hip pocket) is the best way to teach them a lesson. Pity we can't stuff him/her in a small plastic box (without air holes) and them send them on a long plane flight and ensure they receive the best possible treatment (lol) from baggage handlers possible. I would also look at sending an official complaint to the Govt Dept that issues permits in the state where you got your amyae from. They may be able to provide an official warning to them.
Main thing is your little amyae is ok.
Cheers mate
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Just found out this guy was on my 'friends' list on Facebook, he's gone now. What a shocking way to treat a reptile.
Thankyou for all the kind comments and support, let me be clear that naming anyone is not my intention of this post or pm's and i will not be doing so. In time the person in question will be his own undoing, The amyae is doing fine thankfully but could have easily been a different story. Receiving him the way i did pushed me over my putting up with rubbish tolerance hence this post. Im not your typical gecko nerd( no offence gecko nerds) im more than reasonable, be up front and honest i cant stand lyers and story tellers ****s me to tears honestly. I havn't been in the hobby too long and have imported most of my geckos for good reason, most are not readily available locally and some local sellers lack courtesy and people skills, so i wont buy from them. Not too many Oedura sp either which account for most of my animals. The bar was set very high from early on in the service and packaging department by guys like danny brown (geckodan) rob porter and Warren cossell (warren63) faultless guys to deal with and always happy to help you out and rectify any issues if any. Not alot to ask for from my perspective just common sense and courtesy.

- - - Updated - - -

Just found out this guy was on my 'friends' list on Facebook, he's gone now. What a shocking way to treat a reptile.

Hope you hav'nt been too haisty in your deletion chris and deleted some poor inocent person as stated naming was never my intention. hopefully this post will insure the seller does the right thing in the future cheers
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That's just lazy and careless, no attempt made at all. I don't even travel with them like that in the car when doing local sales. There are plenty of people that are doing the right thing. I picked up a delivery of pilbs recently from bassman That were in fantastic order :)
Hope you hav'nt been too haisty in your deletion chris and deleted some poor inocent person as stated naming was never my intention. hopefully this post will insure the seller does the right thing in the future cheers

Its a small world in this hobby mate, word spreads fast... I'm comfortable that I've got it right :)
so lucky the poor thing seems okay. how bloody hard is it to get a second container, some packaging material/shredded paper or pop some popcorn if your desparate. could i please get the name in a PM also, I might look to get some amyae in the future.
That is ridiculous - plain and simple. It just proves how "passionate" some keepers are, passionate about the $$$ aspect of the hobby (not that you make a heap on reptiles these days, especially N. amyae) but not about the animals themselves. Disgraceful. I am pro naming and shaming, crocka79, please reconsider telling others who this individual is, they probably won't learn unless they lose their buyers anyway...
Even "run of the mill Aymae" arent exactly on every corner, especially if you live somewhere like South Adelaide.

I'm in SA and regularly breed amyae. I usually end up selling any young I produce to interstate buyers as amyae are specialist listed in SA which prevents most locals who would like to keep them from buying them.

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