How to do get over the fear....

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I have put a little hide box in there now and hoping like anything that she will just go in there so i can life it out without stressing her out anymore than i probably have already!

She is having a great time on the box - just won't get in it!
i just read the entire thread haha. just pick it up, you will be fine!!
well, she didn't get in the box so i just got her out myself!

I can't believe i am such a baby - she IS placid - she must think i am a gigantic idiot!
Thanks for the words of support - i am sure i will be VERY embarrased later that i even posted it all! lol.
The trick to it is it's all in your head. The more you sit there thinking "Is it gonna bite me?" "Can i do this?" etc the worse it gets, where as if you don't think and just boom go straight in and pick it up you'll realise you worry about nothing =p.
So true! I was expecting a scene like out of anaconda, and she was fine!
Big drama for nothing - but make sure you remind me of that tomorrow when i have another crisis!
Twinny come to the herp group, talking to other people with our insane intrest will help answer most of your questions. PM me if you need details
just do it if you get tagged by a meter long snake you will barely feel it and if its chilled as you say it is you will have to make some seriously big mistakes.
twinny, I am sooooo glad to have met you, soooo glad to know a big a coward as me... :) I'll think of you every time I get Barrie out from now on. :) I had him out again tonight and just thought.....I CAN do this...and we had a lovely time. No hook, no gloves just my baby and me....hee hee hee. I said to my husband, I don't believe how brave I am. When he came sniffing around one of my fingers I just got it out the way, didn't want him thinking it was a mouse. :) But I don't think he's hungry anyway. Hang in there CAN do this.
Hugs, Annie
I used to be rather scared but after i had my guy (a very placid jungle) for a while i learnt to be able to read his body language and that helped heaps. Thats how i got over it. Now i want more :D

just open the cage and pick up the snake. if it bites you, you will realise you were silly to be worried.
if it doesn't bite you, ( which it probably won't) then you didn't need to be worried anyway..
Harden up's only a little snakey
Twinny and Grannieannie, I totally understand your fear!! I just can not get our snakes out of there enclosures!! I'm lucky and don't have to force myself to do it, cos my hubby is happy to get them out for me-though constantly tells me i need to toughen up and cop a few bites. I know the anticipation is sooooo much worse than the bite (of which i have had a few) but for some reason the thought still terrifies me! Even our tiny hatchling stimmies! :shock:
In saying this, I did manage to get our 1 1/2 metre coastal out today (after being scared away by 2 other smaller snakes) but it took a lot of patience and having him basically climb the snake hook to get to me, rather than me getting him out, but I was extremely proud of myself! :D
So good luck to you guys, but so long as my hubby is around, I'll probably keep being a sook and letting him do the hard part!
get bitten

Just got to let them bite ya mate.
I have a 3.5m olive who sometimes lashes out when shes in her cage, ive never used a hook or anything with any of my snakes, getting scratched by a cat hurts a whole lot more than a bight from a non venonous snake
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