How to eradicate woodies

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take out everything, chuck in some egg containers, leave it for an hour...they should all huddle inside the egg containers...collect and empty into tub...if your beardie wont eat them offer them to someone else.
i have just purchased a trap(but that may take a while to get here)
yes he is living with them, doesnt look like they are eating him, he is happy and running about the place.

part of why we arent keen on emptying the tank is it has about 4 inches of sand in the bottom, so removing that will be a huge job!
hehe its a plastic thing they crawl into but can not get out of..

i think the egg carton wouldnt work because of the sand:???
PMSL dont you just hate that, we just had similar prob.....Went in to clean netted cage and when lifted the turf found heaps (and I mean HEAPS) of woodie mess. So we looked around the cage to find them and low and behold almost an entire woodie colony was emerging from the turf I had glued to the back wall. Needless to say we tore out the turf and shook it into woody tub then threw in a few egg cartons and a feeder with fluron with carrot and pellets in it waited an hour and emptied the catch into tub then repeated. Worked for us.
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