How To Stop Woodies Escaping

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Almost Legendary
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, NSW
I asked this in another thread but thought I would try to get some more suggestions. I'm not talking about in a colony where you can obviously just use fluon. I mean when you put them into the enclosure for your little critter to eat. I know some people use tongs which would be ideal but my little tristis and ackies are still too wary of me to take anything directly from me. Crickets are nice and easy in this respect because they can't climb but I've had a woodie colony before and I know how easy they are so it would be much more ideal. The only thing stopping me is this little problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I still have woodies turn up arround the house even though I havnt used them as a food source for nearly 3 years. They can definately be a problem. If you can get the lizards eating in another container, it is a good option. My old ackies needed to have a heat light in the feeding tank or they wouldnt eat.
Haha what an elegantly simple idea Southside (I suppose they are the best ones). Thanks very much

I still have woodies turn up arround the house even though I havnt used them as a food source for nearly 3 years. They can definately be a problem. If you can get the lizards eating in another container, it is a good option. My old ackies needed to have a heat light in the feeding tank or they wouldnt eat.
Yeah mine hide in their burrows pretty much all day. I've only ever seen them when I drop a bunch of crickets in and they come out to what the commotion is. I wouldn't put money on being able to get them to eat in another comtainer
Not just a round edge bowl a proper bonsai pot, as the rim curves back in to the centre of the bowl. Read that litttle article it explains all about it. ;)

Your welcome Sax....
Cool them down in the fridge before feeding.
Works for me. I cleaned my EWD enclosure right out last night and only found 1 woody hiding away.
Cool them down in the fridge before feeding.
Works for me. I cleaned my EWD enclosure right out last night and only found 1 woody hiding away.
LOL, I used to do that as well, definitely works, but family members especially the missus didn't like roaches in the fridge crawling around in the Chinese take away container.....just like the rats and mice in the freezer.. :)
I do the same as southside, except I just used a $1.50 ceramic ramekin (souffee mould/dip bowl) and painted fluon around the top few cms below the rim, works quite well like the idea of the bonsai pot but. You could do the same with those "mealworm bowl" think exoterra make them, all you'd have to do is paint under the rim and your laughing, and a slightly more natural look
Awesome I'm excited to try this now haha. Next question - is there something you can get from, say, Bunnings that is similar to fluon? I'm not really keen on paying ~$40 (for a full bottle plus postage) for a couple of bowls
Vasoline but it gets messy

Or oil as a really temporay quick fix

Cheers Brenton
Vasoline but it gets messy

I found that they (and crickets) were able to go over/through Vaseline. Some would get stuck in it, but for the most part, they were able to get through IMO.
Awesome I'm excited to try this now haha. Next question - is there something you can get from, say, Bunnings that is similar to fluon? I'm not really keen on paying ~$40 (for a full bottle plus postage) for a couple of bowls
Hey Sax,I "may" have a bottle of teflon paint somewhere and I have no use for it anymore, so IF I find it, i'll PM and give it to you mate no probs. Cheers....
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