I don't know what I did, But I'm getting the blame

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Not so new Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Armidale NSW
Normally placid little Miss Niki the Rough Scaled Python hatchie has started arcing up when ever she sees me. All tensed up, striking and following at any movement.

This is the first aggression I have seen from her.

I think she's coming into shed and is all grumpy and blaming me, typical. Yeah so I feed her, make her fat so she has to get all new pretty clothes but still.....

I thought you might like to see the glare I'm getting


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just go with it mate, no point arguing with an angry female, we will always lose,lol
Amazing. Same things starting to happen with my coastal.Login and find this post..lol She is now basking on the hottest spot.
Keep handling her and if she stays aggresive as she grows she will most likely stay that way
Very Nice little female mate!

She's the most beautiful girl in my life even when she's angry with me :)

Keep handling her and if she stays aggresive as she grows she will most likely stay that way

Once I get her out and she checks me out she settles right down. This morning she settled on my hand and just wanted to stay there not go back in the tank, even snoozed. I'm thinking she's just not really sure if it's me until I pick her up.
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Does she have a hide? She 's probably coming up to a shed and will most like calm down after shedding. My roughies are all angels but I get the occasional nip if they're coming up to a shed. My adults wouldn't bite under any conditions. I've picked them up with blue eyes, minutes after laying and while feeding.

Leave the little girl alone for a little while and I'm sure she'll come good.
i have a habistat repriradiator witha towel on for Elvira and when she goes into shed she goes in under the towel and hides herself away......if i try and lift the towel she hisses at me.....big big warning that she is in a foul mood......

has she got somewhere she can go off to sleep to wait for her shed ? Somewhere nice and safe and comfy and warm. If she can have that break while she feels lousy she will shed and then be in the most wonderful mood...i love it when she has just shed she is a different girl.
Does she have a hide? She 's probably coming up to a shed and will most like calm down after shedding. My roughies are all angels but I get the occasional nip if they're coming up to a shed. My adults wouldn't bite under any conditions. I've picked them up with blue eyes, minutes after laying and while feeding.

Leave the little girl alone for a little while and I'm sure she'll come good.

She has numerous hides both on the ground and higher up all in different temp zones.

I only took her out today to have a good look at her and check if there was something obvious up with her. Closer up she seemed to show she may be about to shed. But once out she really relaxed and became a totally different snake and just wanted to stay on my hand so I left her for a while. I did a quick tank clean one handed while she was on the other to take advantage of that.

She's now curled on her heat rock. Hasn't gone off since she's been out today.

Now I will leave her alone until she sheds.

My male RSP shed early last week and he (& she before) have been totally at ease right through shedding. Maybe this is just a post winter grump ahead of shedding. It's still minus overnight temps here in Armidale and cool days and she's a coastal climate girl not an alpine ski bunny. Even though my tanks are all spot on for temp animals just know what season it is or should be.
Mmmm probably PST(PRE shed tension lol)female snakes must be more prone to it

I would definitely say she is suffering from PMT

Pre My-new-skin Temper OR Python Management Tantrums. Let’s hope it’s the former.

I love it when Moose gets grumpy. Last night he was curled up on his basking shelf and let me hook him straight up, didn't even move, just looked me with that "oh, aaalllllrrriiiiiiiighttttt" look (which shocked me, as I noticed he's gone really brown on his back so is due for a shed) he was as calm as a piece of string when I had him out, had a bit of an explore in the folds of my loungeroom blanket, then found a spot between my hand and my leg and curled up in the warmth for about an hour while I sat there watching a movie - he's normally more active than that so it was good to have him curl up there)

BUT - when I put him back into his enclosure, then after 5 minutes realised I'd forgotten to put his hide back on the basking shelf, opened the door to pop it back there GEEZ was he in a different mood. All I could do was laugh at him, shut the door and wait until he'd moved away before I chanced going back in there to put the hide back!

Many people talk about Olives, Jungles, Bredli and Scrubbies being snappy, but I tend to get a kick out of their grumpiness!!

I know when I'm not wanted at least! LOL. Will add a photo if he does the same thing tonight when I change his water.
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