I know I'm a lil paranoid but...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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In a house of herps - and loving it!
I just went and cleaned Fluffy's water out and he ate 5 days ago after months of regurging, still no defficating though... he has been urinating so I knw he's not dehydrated but now the urine has like a limey-olive green colour with it...is this ok?
It takes 2-3 weeks for food to pass through a snake digestive system, so that's not unusual. The urates can be an olivey green sometimes, but keep an eye on the bowel functions generally for a while. Protozoan or bacterial infections are evidenced by a really nasty smell from the poo (healthy poo has a particular smell, but this is far worse). The poo of an infected snake can be very runny as well, like diarrhoea. This is distinct from the snake passing lots of water with the poo, which can be quite normal for snakes which have constant access to water.

Do you know why the snake has bee regurgitating - once every now & again is usually no indicator of a problem, but consistent regurg indicates a problem, which could be:

temperature related - too hot or too cold
bacterial or protozoan gut infection - you need a vet to do swabs to identify the cause so that it can be treated
viral - a nasty, and usually fatal infection. (if the snake has been going for months this is unlikely)

hey Jamie thanks for your responce - really informative - we haven't identified why he has been regurging so much, my temps are fine (22 cool end 31 hot end) I'm leaning towards gut infection but the guy I've been taking him to said to wait until he defficates before we get to invasive with tests as we don't want to stress him out.
He's about to shed at the moment so I have been leaving him be...aside from checking his hide yesterday to make sure he hadn't regurged agin and using his food item as a pillow :p
I'm only guessing with the gut infection but he did keep his last feed down so not sure what to make of it ...
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