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Apr 5, 2010
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I'm thinking about getting a blonde spotted python and i was just wondering if there if a difference in the temperament of males and females, and if so what?
I was also wondering when the snakes reach sexual maturity if they become aggressive?
When travelling in a car how should a snake be transported?
Is this the right link to apply for a reptile licence? ( http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/nature/AnimalKeepersApplicationForm.pdf ) if not what is the correct link?
also are blonde spotted pythons and spotted python the same?

If anyone has any additional information that they think would be helpful it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking about getting a blonde spotted python and i was just wondering if there if a difference in the temperament of males and females, and if so what?
I don't know that there is much of a difference in temperament in males and females, until maybe when they get older and are of breeding age?
Hopefully someone with more expertise will provide more of an answer to that question for you.

I was also wondering when the snakes reach sexual maturity if they become aggressive?
Do you mean you intend to house a male and female together?
That is not something I would do or recommend. In my opinion, the risks far outweigh any imagined benefits
When travelling in a car how should a snake be transported?
A pillowcase secured at the top would be acceptable.
Is this the right link to apply for a reptile licence? ( http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/nature/AnimalKeepersApplicationForm.pdf ) if not what is the correct link? Getting your licence first is a good move. Not sure about your link, someone who lives in NSW may be able to help there.
also are blonde spotted pythons and spotted python the same?
If anyone has any additional information that they think would be helpful it would be greatly appreciated.
Blonde Spotteds and Spotteds are the same, Blondes have a lighter background to normal Spotteds.

There is a brilliant little book called 'Keeping Children's Pythons' by Greg Fyfe & Darren Green.
I got mine off Ebay for $12.00. You should be able to pick it up at a pet or reptile store. Well worth the investment.
Hopefully someone will be able to give you more info, and correct anything I may have said which is incorrect :)
Good luck and enjoy your snake :D
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no difference in males and female but the safest way tpo carry snakes in the car id say would be a pillow case becasue container will shake more.
Hi seb-zena72, yes that is the right link for reptile keepers license just print off and fill out send it off and it will be back to you in no time.
I'm thinking about getting a blonde spotted python and i was just wondering if there if a difference in the temperament of males and females, and if so what?
I was also wondering when the snakes reach sexual maturity if they become aggressive?
When travelling in a car how should a snake be transported?
Is this the right link to apply for a reptile licence? ( http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/nature/AnimalKeepersApplicationForm.pdf ) if not what is the correct link?
also are blonde spotted pythons and spotted python the same?

If anyone has any additional information that they think would be helpful it would be greatly appreciated.
all spotteds are little firecrackers waiting to go off [ u will learn this pretty quickly with the first tag]
I have a four month old blonde spotted male and he is the most chilled out snake ever. I can pretty much do anything with him and he's never struck at me. He's my first though so I'm not sure how they compare to females. I know the breeder I got him off said that her males were nicer temperaments than the females, but it probably depends on the snake.
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