I never got a chance to answer this...

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Almost Legendary
Aug 20, 2006
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New Zealand
From a recent thread (in relation to drugs):

Quote from junglist* "The worst part of this whole scenario is that i have had far better arguments, with far more substantive support with mentally retarded donkeys than i have with you slimy."

I am proud that you work with mentally retarded donkeys. Afterall, it is these donkeys that will take over the world.

Many of them have helped you through your degree I am sure.

In your pursuit of the perfect argument you had to be just like a retarded donkey - they do say be as much like your enemy as possible.



Have a nice day junglist* your arguments were compelling and in some cases they seemed to follow a good reason of thought. I admit, i am not turned - and this thread isn't here to start the argument again - it's here to let you know that your blood pressure can drop again - your work is done.


PS - I would have pm'd this, but I can't pm junglist* - he seems to have his pm's turned off - I wonder why...
It is interesting/funny to see him get fired up though, he always resorts to abusing his 'oponents' in the end.
Yes Junglist is very passionate about the subject. And to me thats a good thing.

I spose anybody would be when they can see the answer but people wont accept it as the truth.

Its good to see someone who has put so much time and thought into such an important subject as was being discussed.
And as for his mentally retarded donkey comment...........

I would expect someone that is so high and mighty and sure of their own intellectual prowess (As Junglist is) would be up to date with todays modern world and societies thoughts and views.

I'm sure that Junglist meant intellectually disabled donkey, not retarded donkey.

Junglist, "retardation" has, for quite some time now been removed as it is viewed as a deformatory term. By willingly using it as you have people who read your comments may jump to the conclusion that you are a biggot.

Disabled persons have only just recently become accepted into mainstream society. They have spent years struggling to gain the same rights and respect as abled bodied people.

The slang and abusive comments you are using toward Slim6y is as derogatory as racist or sexist taunts.

I have spent some years working with Disabled People and I see the affect that comments like yours have on their esteem, on their trust and on their willingness to enter and benefit from society.

How could someone function throughout everyday life when all they get is taunted and belittled?

Junglist, you have attempted to prove yourself and your intellegence but all you have managed to do is insult people of an opinion different to that of yourself and catergorise and slander disabled people.

Here here to Lucas - an intelligent answer....

None the less - it appears that junglist has been suspended :( which saddens me - if soemone with all that supposed intelligence can't fight a fair fight without resulting in defamotory or abusive comments then what's the point in being smart.

I hope that many people learn from this - One thing I think we can all get out of this is be a little open minded - you're opinion is good providing you know how to accept others' could be different.

From here we should then judge the subject and not the person. Refrain from putting insults or mocking their opinion.

I owuld like to see more of this in posts than arrogance and abuse.

Junglist* I hope you do come back - and maybe with a view that isn't so narrow that it is only your own that you see.

Otherwise - I guess it's up to people like Earthling and Lucas who have excellent open minded views and don't abuse people because their opinion is better.

I have had many detailed arguments with earthling, and I am fairly sure we're still net friends (that sounds much gayer than it actually is).

Well - Forward thinking and open minds do make the world tick faster - Today we solve arrogance tomorrow we solve global warming!
here's to Junglist..............many a good conversation for you here.


  • thumb_estelle2006.jpg
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These poor donkeys - do they have a school that can help them?

Is there like someone we can donate to?


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You know, you're making a terribly nasty bunch of comments about someone who you're complaining about because you say he made some nasty comments. It's rather ironic, to put it nicely. Making them when he isn't able to respond is a tad unfair.

Perhaps he shouldn't have said some of what he did, but when dealing with large numbers of people online, it's easy to lose your temper and take your frustration out by using a nasty word or two. His largest mistake was probably not recognising a situation in which it was pointless to get involved, even if he was giving out good information, as the result would just be his own frustration. Bad temper or not (and no, I'm not defending it), he is one of the people around here whose posts are most often worth reading.
You know, you're making a terribly nasty bunch of comments about someone who you're complaining about because you say he made some nasty comments. It's rather ironic, to put it nicely. Making them when he isn't able to respond is a tad unfair.

Perhaps he shouldn't have said some of what he did, but when dealing with large numbers of people online, it's easy to lose your temper and take your frustration out by using a nasty word or two. His largest mistake was probably not recognising a situation in which it was pointless to get involved, even if he was giving out good information, as the result would just be his own frustration. Bad temper or not (and no, I'm not defending it), he is one of the people around here whose posts are most often worth reading.

Firstly - I didn't realise he was suspended - If I had known that I wouldn't have bothered writing it...

Secondly - I haven't made any nasty coments - as such - but as you said, we're dealing with so many people here so I could easily lose my temper (but I didn't).

In fact I seem to recall complementing him on his excellent use of resources - He is a bright boy, and it must hurt to think down to our level. But never the less - his arguments (not arrogance) were all very good and sound... Although I am not of the belief of some of them because of my own informed opinions - does that make this a bad thread?
I'm here in comment, and only that. Some of you are so opionated you need mountains to pass yourself. Some people may really be seeking help here but you lack the intelligence to answer them without critism. Are we not here for the love, obsession, way of life, whatever, i thought these sites were for learning, experimenting, and sharing.
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