Obviously i need to elaborate, If you have seen an obstrusted snake before you will see the exact action which is very much an action of stress related to hypoxia. This as seen in the video i have seen in three seperate cases since mid august this year. to elaborate more, symptoms being caudal placidity, generalised lethargy and coiling of the crainial quater of the body in an act to regain some form of airway. this was seen in all three cases. The first the owner decided not to treat and it was humanely euthanised. I performed a free post mortem on the snake for training purposes with other staff and found airsacs filled with fluid. the second was one of very few true emergency reptile cases , and it was obstructed and continued to coil and become more lethargic. Its mouth was cleared and its glotis cleared, in which we then low power suctioned its trachea to clear the airway and was then intubated an given oxygen supplementation. once stable he was kept in an oxygen tank and was very happily cruising around and back to almost full strenght, bloods showed an infection, rads showed plenty of fluid in his airsacs and he was treated aggressively with synergistic antibiotics and nebulisation and this was all due to his friend saying to brumate his snakes at a maximum 15degrees since may. He is currently healing well. the third case was less intense and has responded to the same treatment.
no one on this forum is able to make any form of diagnosis for that snake as no one has seen it. once again as stated above i said it could be anything, it could be bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, it could also be cancer related. But i can assure you i will not be so irresponsible to state on a public forum that a members snake has a virus for that can and will have affects on their reputation especially if they breed. there is to much ambiguity surrounding virus' is snakes, and to jump to a conclusion of a disease that can not be diagnosed and can not be directly treated would not be in the snakes best interest. i can assure you if we had implied that to the three cases mentioned above all three would have euthanased.
I do hope that her snake recovers and i am crossing my fingers that a bad lower RI is all that it is as althoguh still very life threatening it is much better then some of the other possibilities.
regarding the metnioning of brumation you have taken it out of contex, i was answering a seperate question unrelated from saximus on page one. and it is very true most of these guys go into brumation with mild infections and come out half dead. it only takes 2-3 degree below Preffered body temp before their immunesystem is no longer efficient.
But that is enough from me The snake is in good hands/
no one on this forum is able to make any form of diagnosis for that snake as no one has seen it. once again as stated above i said it could be anything, it could be bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, it could also be cancer related. But i can assure you i will not be so irresponsible to state on a public forum that a members snake has a virus for that can and will have affects on their reputation especially if they breed. there is to much ambiguity surrounding virus' is snakes, and to jump to a conclusion of a disease that can not be diagnosed and can not be directly treated would not be in the snakes best interest. i can assure you if we had implied that to the three cases mentioned above all three would have euthanased.
I do hope that her snake recovers and i am crossing my fingers that a bad lower RI is all that it is as althoguh still very life threatening it is much better then some of the other possibilities.
regarding the metnioning of brumation you have taken it out of contex, i was answering a seperate question unrelated from saximus on page one. and it is very true most of these guys go into brumation with mild infections and come out half dead. it only takes 2-3 degree below Preffered body temp before their immunesystem is no longer efficient.
But that is enough from me The snake is in good hands/