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Lost_in_the_Jungle said:
Are bockadams in captivity i have never heard of anyone having them

they would make an interesting pet :D

SnakesNT used to sell them when they were about. Not that i had anything personally to do with them at the time, but they were there.

My next snake, if it were up to me, would be a BTS, preferably a night tiger. Ulitmately, my choice would be...ummm........I don't waste my time daydreaming! :lol: :wink:
What, no one wants elapids
i forgot about all my venomous sorta snakes i want a speckled brown snake, a western brown snake, an adder, a rbb, a malle black headed snake and a broad headed snake. :D

oh and i really want a bandy bandy :!: :!: :p
kinda sounds like my letter to santa :wink: :lol:
I have everything that I want! hehe I don't have expensive tastes!!
Where do I start....

The next on the list is a pair of Daimonds, then a coastal, then a hypo Bredli, then a BHP... that'll do for awhile....definately getting a GTP down the track one day.
My wish list,

Stripe Tailed Pygmy Monitor
Short Tailed Pygmy Monitor
South Western Python (Requires Missus mayby when hell freezes over)
I just want a sugar mummy to pay for my habit :? or maybe Herpatolics Anonymous: Yes i am a Herpotolic! Next time round i want to come back as a rich kid :idea: and then i can get all the herps i need. :wink:
Hey, I've got an oenpelli, what more do I need? :lol: :shock: :lol:

Hmmm, seriously though, I'd love another diamond... or ten! A bredli, a hypo bredli, some EWDs and beardies (not sure what type)... that's it for now, I already need a bigger house and more money so I'm trying to stop wishing right about there for now!!
I want a venomoid, pied collets x red belly black snake :wink: :lol:
MattQld83 said:
BlindSnake said:
Lost_in_the_Jungle said:
Are bockadams in captivity i have never heard of anyone having them

they would make an interesting pet :D
No, not available to the average herper, but I do know of someone who keeps them.. And they wont hear the end of my whining, until I get at least one!!

I would have thought the average herper would have no dramas obtaining them from wild caught collectors in NT.

Yes, the person I know is in the NT.. but they are not readily available. If you know where I can get one NOW I would be eternally grateful..
hmm... next on my list is a water, diamond and bhps. but my wish list ! well.... :lol:
I want more jungles and more jungles and i know i have said it several times but who could ever have enough jungles

Jungles Rock

but i also want a pair of boyds


possilbly a ingrams brown snake :D
well im getting some BHPs this weekend! I cant wait. But next i think i would like to get a stripped costal!
Elapid68- Are those yours?? If not, any chance you could you tell me who's they are.. I'v been after a pair.. or even one, for ages.. Ooooo they look so beautieful swimming in their lil tank!!

PS. I would keep elapids if I could, but parks and wildlife dont like to licence legally blind girls for vens.. Have to wait till my boy does the `Living with Wildlife' course (Geoff Coombs)
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