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Unless you have a vet who is familiar with (and willing and competant) working with reptiles... then all the funds in the world will do you no good, I have never had any problems with any of my reptiles that needed vet care, however if some problem occured that needed medical assistance, then yes I will fork out the cash. I enjoy keeping herps, But on the same note I don't name my animals, I don't notice any outstanding personalities with pythons, so I do not feel a great amount of personal attachment with individual animals. In a worst case senario (i.e liver cysts, organ damage) I would opt for euthanasia over a lingering (expensive) treatment. Most reptile health problems come from owner error, so I prefer the ounce of prevention over the pound of cure...
Asa mother of grown up kids..

just wandering truthfully right now if something happened to your snake(or whatever you have)would you have the funds to be able to take it there,i can honestly say i have the money put away just incase anything ever happens..(i think im a little pissed off at these ppl that make excuses like bills came in or cant afford for 2 days)***?
As a mother of 2,
Im sure that alot of people agree with you, but unless you have more important things in your life, ie I must say, some people(your job, your childs health, an unexpected death in family? ect,ect. verbal abuse ect.
Ive been in a situation where it wasnt a case of money, but time.If i took the 2days offf i needed to tend to Daisy, i would severly threaten my job.I choose to wait, to most peoples horrification,though Ive copped my share of abuse and judgement.
Sorry if it ioffends you to know that there are people who are sensible/wealthy enough to 'put aside money', beleive it or not, some people have other priorities.
So would you say, that you shouldnt have children, if you dont have the funds to pay if they ever get sick, because I think thats why we have 'Medicare'.You can always prepare yourself, but there are things that will still trip you up.
Sorry that it offends you, but in my family it, goes, kids health first, job priorities second , and other family emergencies.ect
I understand that some people that keep snakes are somet9imes, solace people, or loners, and they can afford to make there pet snake first priority, if there is a financial problem.
I have never had any problem finding funds, when Ive had to go to the Vet, but like i said situations occur and thats when forum ect 'sometimes' com in handy.
As much as I'd give my right arm-literally- for my snake , there are always bigger sacrifices and smalller..
just wandering truthfully right now if something happened to your snake(or whatever you have)would you have the funds to be able to take it there,i can honestly say i have the money put away just incase anything ever happens..(i think im a little pissed off at these ppl that make excuses like bills came in or cant afford for 2 days)***?

I've just spent $550 on my staffy to have his cancer removed. I just spent a further $515 on my egg-bound woma for her surgery. Not to mention that i had to drive from Hervey Bay to Deception Bay in a V6 the day of the surgery, and then take an RDO to drive back a few days later to retrieve her from the vet. I would never deny treating my animals. Had the $$ for the staffy, didn't count on the woma having the problem at the same time. So just means i pay the credit card off next week instead. I figure they're worth it. REGARDLESS of what i paid for the animal, they are my pets.

I guess it also helps that at the moment they are my priorities. I dont have kids so i dont blame anyone if they have to budget differently. That might change when my first bub is born next year.
I think the real question is would you take your reptile to the vet full stop? Some people who are well off might not take their reptile to the vet cause its "not worth it". Whether you have money or not i'm pretty sure no matter what your circumstances if you truly love your animal you would make things happen. i don't have a savings account, i don't have any family at all to borrow off, i just do what ever it takes at the time to fix what ever animal needs help. its not a matter of do you have the money its just a matter of would you do what it takes so your animal is not suffering. example: your broke and your dog breaks its leg bone sticking out and all would you take her to the vet, or wait till you can save up the money? pretty sure most people won't let their animal suffer for long if they really care about them.
Want a medal-Cyber Bullie.

ha ha ha let you in on a hint candy .."hevoline" just pasted a post in here too ..about a post or two above ya :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Do you want some sort of medal or recognition, because you are either wealthy, or fortunate enough,-And pointing out others post, to your army of cyber-bullies,Real grown up.. So sad, I guess its really up to the Reptile Liscencing Board, as to who can legally have reptiles.-Thankgod for you, my friend ,this isnt the case, for children, cause youd never be allowed 'to keep' them if you disclosed that sort of info,..Sorry, I know this will offend you, but then just about everything you read your offended by, peoples typing errors, newbies that are unfamiliar ect, I hope you are a young person, as you will have alot of time to learn.
Instead of getting offended at everyone views or differences,and reminding everyone how' 'good' you are, instead of looking for faults, train yourself to look for new beginnings and maybe meditate or something, to get all that stuff off your chest.Chin Up Chanp.
How many thousands of dollars do you currently have put aside (per animal) for vet treatment?

Personally, im not the slightest bit ashamed to admit i don't have spare money lying around
365 days a year... not only would there be days and weeks when i don't have spare cash
but also times when commitments would prevent me from getting to a vet clinic for a few days
but thats life.. i don't feel guilty for it.
Well said,Australis,this whole topic started over a simple question, I find it a very personal question, to demand how much $ youve got saved forma Vet,like you said, some people have different, priorities in life,.Thats it in a nutshell,-Doesn tmean they are cruel to their animals.
If I need to see a vet I will just sell my mother's DVD player and TV to fund it
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