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i still say have a certain ammount of questions each month, not always reptile related otherwise the more experienced keepers would have an unfaif advantage, we can have questions about anything at all, no1 is going to have more of an advantage then the other guy(or girl)
I think we shold have a competition that requires people to read the posts. Obviously we wouldn't ask questions relating to chit chat type posts but mroe about herp posts. The questions should force people to read all of th eherp related posts if they want to win. That way it will reward the regualr users of the site and that is what the competition is about.

After all, Southern Cross sponsors the site and clearly wants to make money by selling reptiles to our members. Well the competition should force people to use the site more.

So, Slatey my old mate. Ask questions that relate to some advice given inside a thread or some other information relating to a thread.

For Example - you could ask: According to Peter Johnson, what were the only three species of Carpet Python (Morelia Spilota) as described by Cogger ion the 1988 version of his book?

To find this answer you would merely have to read the Morelia Imbricata thread started by Anthony88.

You are right Peter. But here is small problem.

All you do is to type the word to search option and this site will find it for you.

By the way peter, you should be able to guess my photo question above. It is aps related.
And close to your own activities. Comon, have a go .
i still say have a certain ammount of questions each month, not always reptile related otherwise the more experienced keepers would have an unfaif advantage, we can have questions about anything at all, no1 is going to have more of an advantage then the other guy(or girl)

That is my opinion also.
ok out of al the options that were offered slatey choose three more apart from yours and ten we should vote on which ne should be used
so includes your option and three more of your choice then we all vote on the method any body aggree????
i think it is only fitting that you include something that is going to draw all entrants to get on southern x website to look for answers, or even read some of doc rocks articles, got to give him a few plugs along the way.

I agree with reptile boy, i think do a poll up of the different ideas and let southern x make up their mind to what they want, i'm sure some will complain but end of the day they are putting up quite an expensive prize and im sure regardless you will get almost everyone having a crack at it
There has been numerous ideas put forward and no matter what idea was chosen there will always be someone that will complain about it..

So I really think that Simon & Diane should decide on the type and structure of the competition (or lottery) as it is through their genorosity that the Albino is being put up as a prize in the first place. That way no one can complain about however they decide it should be done. :D
well satey i reckon you should choose the best i deas including yurs and put them forward to southern x that way tey get to run the compition the way they want to since it is there reptile
i think the whole thing should be random. Some people can surf the web better than others. Some people just know how to find any info whether it be reptile related or not. I agree with Donkey a few pages back, the whole thing should be random - completely fair!
You are right Peter. But here is small problem.

All you do is to type the word to search option and this site will find it for you.

By the way peter, you should be able to guess my photo question above. It is aps related.
And close to your own activities. Comon, have a go .

Using the site search engine is still getting people to use the site and learn more about it. I like this idea. Southern X or someone (you could even use false accounts) could actually hide some info in a post every month and you have to find it. I really like this idea or some permutation of it. Make it reptile based questions, but also APS based.
All this talk of someone having an advantage, making it fair is absurd. Someone who puts efforst in should have an advantage. That's capitalism for you, we're not socialists here.
Southern X want to give this albino away in a manner designed to promote herpetology. Otherwise they might as well go down the local street corner and give it to the 347th person to walk past. Someone who is not even willing to do some research to win the prize is unlikely to be the best person to look after the animal if they do win.
ok out of al the options that were offered slatey choose three more apart from yours and ten we should vote on which ne should be used

that looks like you want to vote to something what is not up to us.

Just let Dr. Stone to decide what he want to do with his price.:)

All we are doing here is to giving him some idea.
Just to correct this. And this is important.
You don't have to create paypal account to subscribe.
We are registered with paypal that is where our account is hold, and to pay subscription you just use credit card to pay.
It is secure process and in today's modern age is not many other ways.
We don't deal with cheque depositing, but if some young kids don't have credit cart , we do allow them to deposit directly to our account. Many of the subscribers did this. It takes about week to have it done that way. Credit cart payment makes you subscriber instantly.

Slateman, Thanks for this info. Perhaps the situation changed after I asked you and Adam originally and I was unaware. Either way, I will PM you again, as I do not have a credit card, or paypal. (The CC was cancelled after Paypal messed up the first time, I wasn't taking that chance again!)

Peter, I like your idea, even if not used for the entire competition, but is cycled: Southern X research questions, thread search questions and other random herp related brain teasers.
Using the site search engine is still getting people to use the site and learn more about it. I like this idea. Southern X or someone (you could even use false accounts) could actually hide some info in a post every month and you have to find it. I really like this idea or some permutation of it. Make it reptile based questions, but also APS based.
All this talk of someone having an advantage, making it fair is absurd. Someone who puts efforst in should have an advantage. That's capitalism for you, we're not socialists here.
Southern X want to give this albino away in a manner designed to promote herpetology. Otherwise they might as well go down the local street corner and give it to the 347th person to walk past. Someone who is not even willing to do some research to win the prize is unlikely to be the best person to look after the animal if they do win.

I think that's a good idea magpie. I like it..........and so true about the fairness thing. If they dont know much/arent willing to put in effort researching etc are they going to be able to care for such a great animal?
Well we will see what Simon will come with.
He have plenty of material to read in this topic to make right decision.

I just hope that I will not have so much work with it like last time. LOL
just run a raffle Slatey. Forget the knowledge crap! Let members donate $20 to a reptile friendly charity to get the chance of a ONE and ONE only ticket in the albino. Have second to tenth prizes of cheaper pythons down to thermostats and ceramic heaters and fittings etc
just run a raffle Slatey. Forget the knowledge crap! Let members donate $20 to a reptile friendly charity to get the chance of a ONE and ONE only ticket in the albino. Have second to tenth prizes of cheaper pythons down to thermostats and ceramic heaters and fittings etc

Sounds like the fairest way .
Photo comp is not fair , some may have little photo skills or no equipment
Knowledge comp is no good as i am as dumb as a post .

With a raffle it is totally random , a good chance for every one .
I still reckon my idea is the best, its fair and a bit more exciting than just a raffle, plus it gives Southern X more exposure.
The 20 dollars per ticket sounds like a sterling idea. One ticket per person will mean quite a large sum of money, probably triple what an albino is worth :) Donating to a reptile friendly charity is also a good suggestion but I think donating to needy kids - maybe the Starlight Foundation would be more noble.

Gee there are too many suggestions - my head is hurting reading them all :)
After reading all that i dont know what i would choose.
However this is not a problem for me because i will enter no matter what SIMON decides.
( Im glad im not simon, he he he)
Well if you are so smart people
tell me what is behind this picture. I give you 4 option. Any age group can have this right.

1. girls body
2. wall
3. men's back
3. country side.

I would like to know what would be our supersadji answer. LOL
Attached Thumbnails


Not many people are able to give me answer to this multiple choice, comon, have a go.

This will show us how many kids and how many adults will have this right.
Maybe we will be surpriced.
And to have it right, all you need to be is good APS follower.

Nobody could give me right answer. Behind this picture is Bryony. She have this t/shirt on her on APS camp last time. Look.
No. 1 was the right answer.



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