increased food size, now hibinating? hasnt shed in 3mths.. 1yo bredli

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Active Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Adelaide, Australia
hey just wondering if this is normal...

my 1yo bredli, hasnt shed in 3 months is still healthy and eating regularly... i increased his food size the last 2 feeds hoping this would get him to shed, but now since his last feed a week ago he has been hibinating in his warm hide over the heat matt n hasnt come out.. ive checked him 2 make sure hes 'alive' lol just by moving the box a bit n he still moves but curls back up n goes back to sleep...

is it cause winter is coming on or cause ive increased his food or idk? is it normal, should he be hibinating? do i need to increase the temps for him 2 hibinate? they are atm between 25 and 35...
My guess is that you heat mat is insufficient wattage to heat you snake sufficiently. He therefore wont and should not eat. What size heat matt do you have?
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No it shouldnt be hibernating, It would be dead if it was!
They BRUMATE they do not hibernate!

Agreed with Wokka in the above post, but from another point it may be comming to a slough.
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