Indoor monitor enclosure ideas?

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Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
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Help, I'm stuck!! I need some suggestions please.

Since moving towns, I have been keeping my young Merten's indoors in a temporary enclosure until we can afford a large outdoor pit. However due to more important expenses that have come up recently, this luxury outdoor enclosure is not going to fit the budget for a long time yet. I was thinking about selling them but decided against it as i couldn't bare to give them up, so now i have to build them a luxury indoor enclosure instead!

I'm not one for keeping lizards and turtles indoors, i believe they should be outside in the sun where nature intended them to be. But since joining this forum i've noticed that a lot of people do keep their lizards indoors, and have talked to a few friends who keep them this way too without many problems. By problems i mean health related issues- growth and bone problems, deficiencies etc.

So in saying this, i was wondering if any of you indoor monitor keepers could give me some ideas on indoor enclosure designs and materials, please? It will be situated under our two story house, on cement and will get the morning sun through lattice for most of the year. I will use mercury vapour bulbs for heat and uv but would prefer to build the enclosure so that they will still receive sun, and not through glass/persepex and would prefer to stay away from mesh because of nose-rubbing. I also have to keep out a medium sized dog!

So please feel free to suggest materials i could use, and that aren't going to cost me an arm and a leg!

Thanks in advance :D

Anyone... please......

I'm not talking snake or small lizard-like enclosures i mean more like a outdoor 'pit' so they have a bit of room to move( 2m .2.5m). All i can think of is using sheets of iron, but surely there's some handy-men out there that know more about this stuff then me and can suggest something better and possibly more stable??

Hey. Alll you have to do is create a good substrate(sand,bark,twigs) and then just add a large water bowl some ricks, sticks and a safe plant if you want.
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