How to find breeders locally (or nearby)

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New Member
Sep 20, 2024
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I don't own a snake yet, I'm hoping to get my first one in the coming months provided I can find a reputable breeder. The issue with this is that I haven't the slightest clue how to find a breeder. Is there some sort of method to finding them? Am I just not searching the right things?
I would also appreciate vet recommendations if anyone has any! I know there are a few animal hospitals around me, but I don't know how well they do reptiles lol

I live in the Albury-Wodonga area (NSW side) if this helps at all ^^
Looking for an Antaresia (Stimsoni preferred but not mandatory)

Thank you for your time!
Should probably add that by locally I mean within a reasonable distance, y'know? I'm not sure what's a reasonable time to transport a snake in a car, but I don't think driving back 6 hours from Sydney is the play lol
You'll probably struggle to find much locally, though you may get lucky.

Melbourne is likely going to be your best bet (get in touch if you'd like Antaresia from Melbourne), but travelling six hours in a car is no problem for a snake as long as you keep the temperatures comfortable, so if you sometimes travel to Sydney, it's certainly an option to get something from there.

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