inter ---- acting Mags luv. lol. Me don't think that means what you think that means.
1 of the new babies is so calm now but it stretches out like it's surprised when I pick it up, like if it had arms theyd be stuck out in shock. Then it finds the comfortable part of my hand and wraps round all safe and has a look about. It's okay with me touching its head now, so it doesn't get that 'what the heck?' look going on if you hit it accidently.
SpottedPython isn't it sweet when they act like they love us? Chicken my MD always seems to want to come back to me. She will stretch out as far as possible and sometimes flops before she gets to me, she also seems to be cool in the first few photos I take of her when somebodies holding her but they end up with the blurred face of Chicken coming at the camera.
And it's good to know your Diamond is having a settle down, it makes all the difference I'm told.