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What a interesting story. thanks David for sharing it with us.
Very interesting David, did rainforestation have no recourse in law to try and right any of the wrongs committed bt the Croc Farm? Well, I know those kind of "wrongs" can't be righted but I would have thought some sort of compensation would have been in order for all the time money and effort put into these animals? To say nothing of them palming off a rogue as just a normal breeding male.
Great to have you here buddy :) Don't be a stranger :)
The funny thing is that Rainforestation's owners were good friends of the gentleman who owned the crocodile farm ... so good that they paid $36,000 for this supposed "breeding trio"... :shock:

Maybe it was just a subtle way of channeling a campaign contribution to the Liberal Party :lol:

Then again we are talking about a place where the Operations Manager wanted me to dress up a store mannequin in khaki's and dangle it over the side of Jack's pond so he could tear it to shreds in front of a group of visitors ... and you all know what they say about fools and money ... :wink:

Anway, after this debarcle I rang Steve Irwin to try and buy a couple of smallish croc's for the empty enclosure the female had resided in during her unnecessarily short stay, and he point blank refused to sell us anything ... offering instead to provide a group of 2.0-2.5 metre crocodiles to us for absolutely nothing ... he didn't even bill us for the airfreight.

And every one of those croc's arrived in absolutely 110% top condition in individual timber travelling boxes - all packed with straw without any sedation... say what you like about Steve, but in my book he's a stand up guy and a bloody good bloke :D


And I love your atavar, is it a taipan?

Yeah fuscus ... it's a Papuan taipan I caught in the crawlspace under a house while we were in PNG shooting a NGEO doco coming out next year.


Wow toxinologist! You know your stuff! BTW Welcome to APS! Cant wait to hear more from you :D
interesting email.

besides the info on crocs there is another valuable lesson to learn here.Especally for belinda.

One of the biggest complaints among reptile keepers is the fact the people dont share there info.

This is a prime example of one of the reasons why.
Belinda was sent that email and photo in answer to some of the statments she was making about steve irwin and croc keepers in the other thread. This was a private email to her and if the provider wanted it in a public thread i guess he could have put it there himself.
Instead of even bothering to return a email to the person providing the information for her to check if it was valid and put her suspisions at ease she choose to instead cut and paste it to this new thread. and then provide the senders name as well as making jokes about replying to the email. etc, etc

the bottom line is that if sombody takes the time to bother providing info to help you out have a little respect for what the person is trying to do for you. at least take the time to make a reply to the email.
Im guessing that if you had bothered to do the above he would have been more than willing to provide you with alot more on the topic. As it stands now i doubt you will have that offer extended again.

the im just a kid excuse wont last forever.

cheers paul.
Well first of all pythonss....It wasnt a private message. It was sent to about 30 other people and was being forwarded....So since it was being forwarded, it was obviously being made public. So dont jump to conclusions and I can't once remember saying that " Im just a kid "

BTW, I remember Slatey saying if you have something wrong with a member to PM them and not make it public...So if you want to bitch to me, do it through a PM.
if its real i wouldnt ever get that f@#ken close thats massive!!
interesting email.

look at your first post.. you stated you just received this email.. and that is exactly what i said it was..

my understanding is if it has been forwarded it is you that has done received the email from shane.
In case i have got it wrong i will ring shane as soon as im finished here and check to make sure that the email he has sent me is the same one he emailed to you. and that the info he provided myself on the phone yesterday is how i understand it to be.
If you think he isnt a member here you are sadly mistaken.

Im not bitching at you belinda, just highlighting the fact that this is why people dont like to share there info. You need to appreciate that they arnt just offering you a lollie.. this is there life, this is what the do for love and money, what they offer for free is a favour and dosent have to be done.

my understanding is he choose to let you view that pic. and didnt receive any responce as to weather you could use it in a public forum. While this isnt illegal as far as i know , the decent thing would have been to ask first.

these are my views and this is what a forum is about.

cheers paul.
Hmm...Ok...I guess so. He is a member here? Ohhh....So he replied to what i thought about steve...Oh right...I have joined this other reptile site a while ago...cant remeber which..And i've been getting all these reptile emails I have no idea who They are from so I suspected Shane's email was sent from that site on a message board..I also had FWD: Impersonators on the title...If this was a private message I AM REALLY SORRY! The actual message does also seem like it is addressed to other people as well so again making it make more sense it came from that reptile site...Again very sorry if this was a private message!
I have never heard of David, who is he? he sounds pritty cool guy

I'm sorry Belinda that you felt the need to belittle me on this site. It is interesting to see now how you back pedal away from the truth. No-one outside of yourself had seen this photo until I sent it to you, and only you privately. This photo is among many that not even my closest friends have seen so how you claim to have acquired this photo is a blatant lie.

I made an error giving information to you with your apparent lack of respect for someone who has knowledge on the subject of working in close proximity with large estuarine crocodiles. I am generous in sharing my knowledge and experience with regards to reptiles. I don't claim to know everything and I am always LEARNING, but I am the head wildlife keeper at and run an award winning wildlife park.

I personally own a very varied selection of python species from spotted's to GTP's and of course I care for the odd plastic crocodile. I am a mew member of only 3 days to this site and I have learnt 2 things.

1. I cannot learn from,trust or help people like yourself.
2. The cynics, back-yard crocodile experts and know-it-alls seem to be also the biggest supporters of Steve Irwin. I rest my case!

To the positive people with positive comments, pythonss, Mark and David I look forward to future conversations. Thank-you David for the milking demo at the Billabong at last years annual Queensland Wildlife Parks Association conferance.
Cheers Shane.
Just thought that I would enter the fray on the ole plastic croc debate and offer up some support for not only Shane but Jack's peace of mind also.

I spent an hour of so with Shane while he fed Jack and another croc Agro at his park yesterday afternoon and I can definately say that there was absoulutely nothing "fake" about the crunch of Jack's jaws upon the head of a boar or the "ripples" he created in his pond shaking the meat into manageabel tidbits. IMPRESSIVE!

With more than 7 years getting to know each other, Shane and Jack have both developed a healthy respect for each other thus Shane's ability to pose with Jack while his pond had been drained. This moment was enjoyed by Shane's work colleagues immensely.

Belinda darl, sarcasm really is the lowest form of wit and I truly don't think you will appreciate what an informative resource that people such as Shane could have provided.

On the Steve Irwin issue, I would be feeling pretty miffed that millions of people tuned into his T.V show solely on the chance that this would be the episode that one of these magnificent creatures would knock him off in a very public forum. Crikey!!

Regards Petrina
I think everyone agrees, we should get back to herping.
ok...How can Rina be two people?
Again Shane, I am really sorry ok? I explained for the whole situation and apologised for misunderstanding the email...Again, it does seem like a public email and has nothing to suggest it was personal like " Hi Belinda" or something like that. Again I am really really sorry for what I have done and I would appreciate it if you forgive me.

P.S Why would you keep that photo private?
You've said sorry enough Belinda if ''Rina'' is still sobbing then send her some tissues.
Firstly, takes a lot more than the comments here to make me sob but thanks for suggesting the kleenex . Secondly, I guess at the end of this, a forum which is aimed at encouraging a positive platform for sharing the passion of herps seems to have also encouraged a lot of cynics.
I believe Belinda is sorry but I still think that rather than attacking the authenticity of a photo, maybe questions about the actual croc would have been alot more productive.
As for Ad, right back at ya - heres to never seeing you with either your clothes on or off but enjoying more stimulating conversations about repitiles.
Cheers Petrina.
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