Is this Lizard pregnant ?

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Sounds like you're making progress! :)
Skinks can also end up overconfident - I've had some that will dive into my mealworm container without a second thought! Also, there was one time I was trying to get a close-up movie of a metallic skink and he ended up climbing my camera... some video that was.

Keep it up, she'll be eating out of your hand in no time :D


Love it.... the skink wanting to get into the camera reminds of Lizzy's antics the over day when she discovered her reflection in the screen on back of my 40D. She was really interested in that other lizard she could see staring back at her (not the least bit agressive towards it).

So wish I had another camera or a video camera, would have made a great submission for Funniest Home Videos. ROFL

You are doing all the right things to get her confident in you. Don't worry if she backs off a bit no reason to believe you have spooked her just her natural caution.

That story about the metallic skink makes me think of this internet picture.

Now that's what I call a close-up. ROFL

She polished off a nice juicey roach I found in the hall and collected for her, 2 wrigglely mealworms and 3 mealworms that had stopped moving (are they dead or pupating ?), even looked under the bit of paper I placed under the "dead" insects in her "food dish" in case there might a something there too (never expected that).

Made a real pig of herself this morning.

Had already eaten the "dead" worms and the roach when I decided to try to hand feed her and to coax her off her warming spot - will try it the other way around next time, might be more successful if she's really hungry.

I might be more successful with feeding if I get some bigger mealworms (less fiddlely to pick up and hold onto between the finger tips) or maybe get some crickets and freeze them to kill them (to keep as FINGER FOOD treats).
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You will probably have better luck feeding her if she is hungry and you are tempting her with live food. While she may eat dead food live is usually preferred. To me it sounds like those mealworms are just going into pupation but they may be dead.

Today - been having amorous meetings with big boy about town for month or so and eloped with him for 9 days and came home yesterday.

She is VERY hungry now and I believe Lizzy may have babies developing inside her and may be a week or two along (or more). :)

She's also thriving so it's hard to tell, but I've never seen so fat in the belly.

If she's pregnant (with baby EWSs on the way) I'll be extremely pleased.
You can tell if they are pregnant, by palpatating for eggs. if you slide your finger down one side from her ribs to her vent, you should feel eggs (if she is pregnant).
You can tell if they are pregnant, by palpatating for eggs. if you slide your finger down one side from her ribs to her vent, you should feel eggs (if she is pregnant).

She's not a captive pet EWS. She's a very friendly wild EWS who decided to move in and live with us inside our home and who adopted us coming onto 12 months ago (as far as we know).

EWS give birth to live babies and don't lay eggs.

Much as I'd love to pick her up to try feeling for little lumps I don't think she'll appreciate it - I think it'll likely freak her out and destroy all the trust she has in me and the great relationship I've established with her.

She likes me so much now that she seeks me out lets me handfeed her with live roaches (I catch these for her rather than spraying them), live crickets, live mealworms (she eats them like kid eats lollies - loves them), and seems to like getting tickled under the chin by me (assumes the position), and even sometimes when she voluntarily climbs onto my open hand (to accept a worm) seems to enjoy a handsurf.
She comes and goes as she pleases and has the run of the house, apart form giving her food treats (she'll ask for them) and talking to her, I let her do her own thing and just enjoy her company and having her around.
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