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Not much...

Lots of children while I was teaching at one particular school
My own child - (I bit him back)
March fly
well the wierdest among the masses of things that have bitten me, is a dolphin when feeding them at tangalooma took my hand instead of the fish. hurt like hell but he let go pretty quick thankfully. He got me twice though same dolphin two seperate occasions i think he hates me secretly i must have been a right jerk in a past life haha.
I've had my entire hand swallowed by one of those Milk Fish, I can't remember where it was though :/ I was about 7 or 8 and it freaked me out...also rabbits, chickens, magpies, goats, sheep, horses, had my fingers nearly sucked off by a calf, face almost consumed by a grumpy cat(I swear he got his mouth over my entire face) guinea pigs, mice, little brother and plenty of bug bites/stings
What type of tick borne diseases do people get in Australia.? Their is no lyme in Australia as of now right?

Ticks were an absolute menace in my old neighborhood. And I knew alot of people who had lyme...some even had extremely debilitating extreme cases of it...It is a horrible illness and ticks are obviously satan spawns.

I mean they have got to be the most worthless animals of all time...What purpose do they serve other than to irritate and be hated by 90 percent of the animal kingdom.
I've been bitten by my pythons, marsh snake, rats, mice, rabbits, a dog, birds. I think the worse bite I've ever received was from a ferret. Nothing has brought tears to my eyes like they do. I swear quite well when one of them latch on. I had a lady bring 4 to my pet shop once, she said they were friendly so I stuck my hand in to pick one up and had two of them onto my hand. I near cried. They scared me, I wouldn't go near them. I had ferrets prior and none of them were like these ones.
LOL a dirty great big dragonfly decided i was fair game, i was trying to save himm from being eaten by a hairy spider.
I got paid $5 for saving a dragonfly once. He landed in the waves at the beach and was going to drown. But I put my hand under him and lifted him out the water. He sat on my hand for a few moments till his wings dried and flew away. Going back in to the shore I found $5 floating in the water.
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