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Nov 3, 2008
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Ive been putting news paper on the bottom of my cage for my bhp,what else could i use,eg sawdust ect.
Dopey 1:?
i personally wouldnt use anything els newspaper is the best...
why do u want something different?
Yep stic with news paper or like what LullabyLizard said butchers paper

Its easy, clean, and cheep

yeh mate papers r evrywhere and you wouldnt have to spend a thing to get them so they are the best
you could always ur aspen but not necesarily the easiest to clean
(cant spell:D)
breeders choice cat litter.

many on here don't like it

but its down to personal preference.
i dont like news paper for unattractive look of it an it just looks messy imo

i use a combo

a layer of newspaper with breeders choice over the top about half in deep

eazy to spot clean an replace every month as it can get a bit dusty
Ive used breeders choice or similar since my first snake, never had one drama with it, and it works as a insulator for the base of the enclosure too. Newspaper is also fine, but if you have branches and things mounted to the base like i do then the breeders choice is better to push/mould around things.
sand for me. any type of paper is useless to my male bhp. it ends up scrunched to the sides and he gets underneath it and poos straight on the bottom of his enclosure no matter how many layers i put down.
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