JCP in water dish. Advice please

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Not so new Member
Jun 25, 2011
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i have a 1 and a half year jungle for about 3 months now and hes been doing great, very active, climbing his branch an was in a different spot of the enclosure every time i come into the room. untli recently. he has been spending about 99% of his time in the water bowl and on the rare occasion that i dont see him in there, he is hiding in the hide rock. at first i thought he started doing it because he was about to shed but he shedded 3 weeks ago and he is still spending all hes time in it and even sleeps in the it. its a 2f by 2f tank with a 75 w daylight basking light (which turns off at night) and a 50w ceramic heat light (on 24/7). there is also a fluroecent uv tube light which is about a year old and probably doesnt produce uv anymore but iv herd that pythons do not really need uv anyway. i feed him 2 mice a fortnight. any help as to why hes doing this would really be appriceated.

thanks :)
Mate sometimes they do because there gonna shed sometimes they do it if they have mites and sometimes they just do it lol , i have a coastal that thinks its a water python it has a 5l bowl in its enclosure and it spends heaps of time sitting under water with just its nose sticking out .

Whats the temp in there ? it could be to hot aswell .

cheers Nico
Yeah, as Nico said, it could be a number of things.

Temps too high
Or just because they love water (though 99% of the time spent in the water sounds a bit much).

He could be coming up to another shed, with 2 adult mice a fortnight at that age you might expect a shed every 4-7 weeks+. My yearling carpets generally take 4-6 feeds between sheds.

You might want to check for mites. The best way to check for these is to look for dead ones at the bottom of the water dish. If you want to be 100% certain there's no mites you can put the snake in a tub with white paper towel as the substrate for a while (about 12 hours should be sufficient) and check for any little black specks on the paper towel after this time.

And lastly his temps could be too high, have you got it thermostat controlled?
Yeah, as Nico said, it could be a number of things.

Temps too high
Or just because they love water (though 99% of the time spent in the water sounds a bit much).

He could be coming up to another shed, with 2 adult mice a fortnight at that age you might expect a shed every 4-7 weeks+. My yearling carpets generally take 4-6 feeds between sheds.

You might want to check for mites. The best way to check for these is to look for dead ones at the bottom of the water dish. If you want to be 100% certain there's no mites you can put the snake in a tub with white paper towel as the substrate for a while (about 12 hours should be sufficient) and check for any little black specks on the paper towel after this time.

And lastly his temps could be too high, have you got it thermostat controlled?
+1.... plus mites in the bottom of a water dish/bowl look like wet pepper. 17 (Baden)
you can let your snake move through a wet white paper towel and "wet pepper" looking spots rub off on it :)
my MD loves her water so did my darwin but hes gone away from that to pretending to be a GTP lol
gotten any new logs wood or cage furniture in recent days or weeks?

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