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Re: RE: Re: RE: Joy Lizard pictures

cris said:
nice pics, that poll makes my brain hurt :lol:

99% of what turnip boy says makes my head hurt. :lol:

It was very kind of you to soothe the pain with those pics. Cheers
RE: Re: RE: Joy Lizard pictures

AntaresiaLady: yep, no worries :) (I very much appreciate you having the courtesy to ask by the way, thank you). I'm flattered you'd like to frame them! If you're going to go to that much trouble, email/PM me and I'll send you the full sized version of the one you'd like to print.

Rennie: I turned up to your place with the lizard this morning, but you didn't answer the door :( I had to bring it home again :( Next time you make a generous offer, try to live up to it.


Wrasse: heh.
RE: Re: RE: Joy Lizard pictures

Geckodan: a lot of people are using the name now, in preference of the previous common names. Being in QLD, you might be familiar with the embarrassing situation caused by the old common names :lol: I'm not sure how much this had to do with the name Joy Lizard coming into use, but it probably at least helped. There are lots of threads on 'Joy Lizards', including for sale ads. It's not often that people comment on it any more, at least from what I've seen. I must admit, I prefer scientific names as they're far less confusing.

Sorry to have given you a bad day, Jason.

Vat69: If I didn't have a good enough sense of humour to laugh at myself, the option wouldn't be there :)

Thanks for all the compliments everyone :D
RE: Re: RE: Joy Lizard pictures

Sdaji- I'd love all three of those pics you posted, as they'd make an awesome set- I have planned what wall they'll go on already :) Like I said- Rhi is going to love them- she loves the little cuties- she likes the name :) They'll always be 'Joy Lizards' to her :)

I'm dropping you a pm once I've posted this post.
RE: .

i have to say gorgeous geks man and great pics
RE: .

Very quickly searching, I found these.

There are heaps more on rival sites, but I don't think the APS owners, or the owners of the rival sites would appreciate me cross linking (for fully understandable reasons). I think the way the links are used here will highlight "joy lizard" on the page you open if you click on them. (look down a few posts to the picture of a Joy lizard) (see the 7th post)

There are many more references to Nephrurus levis as "Joy Lizard" on rival sites, but I don't think the APS owners, or the owners of the rival sites would appreciate me cross linking (for understandable reasons).

I'm not sure whether it was used because they look happy (the first picture in my other Joy Lizard picture thread is of a lizard looking quite full of joy!) or if it is because they supposedly bring joy to their owners (which I can say is true at least for myself).

I certainly didn't coin the name, but I think it's better (and far less ridiculous) than "smooth knob tailed gecko", when you consider that while there are knob tailed geckoes which are smooth... Nephrurus levis is not one of them! Smooth is certainly one of the last adjectives which comes to mind when I look at a specimen of Nephrurus levis.

It's far less ridiculous a name than examples such as "coastal carpet python" (one of my pet hate names! It refers to a subspecies of carpet python, even though all but one of all of them are found on the coast, including the inland carpet python! The 'coastal' carpet python isn't really a litoral species at all, despite the strong implication of the name, it's found hundreds of kilometers inland!).

I usually just try to avoid using the names I don't like, rather than lecturing people who do use them. I find the best solution is to use scientific names, although if I give no common name I usually get in trouble for "bignoting" myself. I'm damned either way :lol:
RE: .

I always thought the name "smooth knob tail" referred to Nephrurus laevissimus!!! Ahhhh confusion! Isn't N. levis the "three lined knob tail".
:? :? :? :?

I pulled out the camera this arvo in an attempt to rival Mr Sdaji's photos.... no such luck :(. My little joy lizard had just shed and unfortunately had some skin remaining. It's been removed now.



All the best, I'll try and get some better pics of my joy lizards later on.

RE: .

Looking at yours links Sdaji, its seems it's widespread useage on this site is by two people (Magpie and Nephrurus) each referring to the same useage on the one ad.
The most appropriate names based on description and appearance are:
N.levis - Three lined Knob Tailed Gecko
N.laevissimus - Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko.
This is the way it always was until Wilson and Swan came out and buggered it all up.
Re: RE: .

geckodan said:
Looking at yours links Sdaji, its seems it's widespread useage on this site is by two people (Magpie and Nephrurus) each referring to the same useage on the one ad.
The most appropriate names based on description and appearance are:
N.levis - Three lined Knob Tailed Gecko
N.laevissimus - Smooth Knob Tailed Gecko.
This is the way it always was until Wilson and Swan came out and buggered it all up.


I know people love to argue on APS, but it must be a very slow controversy week if we're resorting to my usage of a common name! :lol:

Okay, so now you're using the name you suggested I use for N. levis for N. laevissimus! Make up your mind ;)

Nephrurus levis hardly has three distinctive lines. "Three lined knob tailed gecko" apart from being too much of a mouthful to be a common name which would stick, is misleading as if you didn't know what you were holding, and were asked if it was a three lined knob tailed gecko, you'd assume three lined knob tailed geckoes had three big bold lines on them and figure you must have some other form of knob tailed gecko.

It's a very funny thing to be arguing about :lol: Shouldn't people be too busy arguing about the evils of pet shops, the stupidity of Steve Irwin, the ethics of wild collecting or that whole venomoid thing? :lol:

People will always be using different common names, it's an unfortunate thing, but it has been going on for a long time and won't stop soon. I like Chondro, others like green python (incidentally, not all green pythons are green), I like Stumpy tail, other like, well, about half a dozen others for that species... I like spotted python, others like small blotched python, others still just call them Children's pythons, some call them other things (actually, I don't even like the name 'spotted python', but it's the one I use at the moment for want of a better alternative).

If you want to argue about scientific names, by all means go for it as there are hard rules to follow (which are even followed a fair bit of the time!), so you can get somewhere. Common names are open slather, which is one of the reasons I've never been a fan of them. We all know I'm talking about Nephrurus levis, surely that's enough. If you want to call them something else, that's fine too, just get the scientific name right and I won't complain :)
RE: Re: RE: .

know people love to argue on APS, but it must be a very slow controversy week if we're resorting to my usage of a common name!

You of all people, as a scientist, should not be encouraging the use of such non descriptive common names.
It hard to see that the three distinct circular lines on the neck,nape and shoulders of every N.levis aren't obvious enough then to warrant its common name as used internationally.
I'm sure the argument would be far more passionate if we started selling Diamond pythons as High Yellow Happy Snakes
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