Almost Legendary
My pair of jungles have refused their last couple of feeds. I have put it down to the cold weather, or should I say the nights have been freezing, 4c or less. I have also moved all my snakes from the loungeroom to a special small room where they seem to be keeping warmer. Its only been a couple of days but while everyone else has taken food and seems not bothered, the two jungles are incredibly stressed and cranky. They have been terrific feeders since the day I got them home (from SXR) but when snakes like that suddenly turn, I can't help but worry about their welfare. The female has always been a bugger and will drop a feed to attack me so I have to be very still and not let her detect my movement when I want to back away. The boy has always been great but now, he too is too busy striking and seems scared of the food item, too busy striking defensively to worry about food. I have left the mice in their tanks to see if they'll eat it later. But turning the attention to my female, I got some photos of her with her mouth open today (will get them up when I get my computer back, someone else is using it). There seems to be an odd lump in her mouth, but when I picked her up I carefully opened up her mouth using a probe and could not see anything like the photo is showing. But she does seem to be a bit more salivery than I think is normal. I am not sure if its because of her constantly striking, hitting the glass everytime someone looks at her or if she is harbouring a problem. I have to wait till Monday to get her to the vet, in the meantime I re-arranged her furniture trying to add some confinery around her heating that will help her keep warm. I rarely see her in her warm end so her favourite hiding place is now one-third of the way over her heat panel so hopefully it will throw some warmth her way. I am so worried about her now I can't wait for Monday to call the vet and get her in, but I have to.
I know the reputation of the jungles to be cranky but I've never seen my male look so frightened to a point of refusing foo before, and her constant head banging is bothering me to a point I want to cover her tank whenever I am in the room. She will sit there reared up with the mouth open waiting for the next movement to strike.
I can't help thinking I am worrying for nothing, but that brownish/greenish lump did not stand out when I checked her mouth, as it appears in this photo. All the same, we are travelling to Camden Haven on Monday anyway, to be sure.
I know the reputation of the jungles to be cranky but I've never seen my male look so frightened to a point of refusing foo before, and her constant head banging is bothering me to a point I want to cover her tank whenever I am in the room. She will sit there reared up with the mouth open waiting for the next movement to strike.

I can't help thinking I am worrying for nothing, but that brownish/greenish lump did not stand out when I checked her mouth, as it appears in this photo. All the same, we are travelling to Camden Haven on Monday anyway, to be sure.
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