Just sick of it

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Ok so as you can probably tell this is a vent thread. I just need to get it out or I'm gonna go postal...

I am SO sick of people judging my choice of pet. I really should be used to it, I have copped it for one thing or another, namely tattoos and piercings for long enough. I know I shouldnt let their comments get to me but sometimes.

Things like "oh yuck", "why would you want a snake for??", "what kind of pet is that??", "are you nuts??", and my personal 'favourite' "the only good snake is a dead snake".

Now I'm not a cat person, at all. I really cant stand them. I personally dont see how they are a 'good' pet, but thats my opinion and I have my reasons. I do not, voice my opinion so strongly to people who are clearly cat people. I will say something along the lines of "not my cuppa tea" or "to each their own" but I would NEVER tell a cat owner and lover that their pet was a dumb pet choice, or that it would be better off dead. My snake isnt out roaming around killing native wildlife, getting into fights or causing anyone any drama. Not that all cats do but I know a lot of people who just let their cats roam free, and I see enough roaming around the streets to know that many people do this.

So why cant people, especially people who I consider to be friends, accept my choice of pet?!? Its not like I'm going to get her out of her enclosure and drop her on them unsuspectingly (more for her sake than anything else lol jks jks) or FORCE them to even LOOK at her. I dont need the judgement.

So other than just having a bit of a nonsensical rant, I pose a question... How do people deal with their 'friends' who just keep on and on at them about their choice of pet/hobby?!?
Couldnt agree more... I guess I'm just lucky that they are really only temporary friends anyway but still, frustrating!
Hi Amie

I know how your feel hey I have some friends like that they just don't understand its a hobby and even if you try explain that they still don't listen one of my friends told me don't take this the wrong way but I think you waste your money on reptiles.

For me the way I deal with it is just tell them look its my choice for pets you can have what you want I don't tell you what I think about your pets or say you don't have any pets why don't you get one.
Just smile, Blondie :) Just smile, while your olive grows nice and big... Show it off when they come over... And then one day, down the track a bit, mention that they should watch their feet and stay away from the furniture and windows, because there was an accident during the week and the snakes all got out... And since they never bothered to accept the snakes and be friendly, the snakes won't recognise them and will just consider them a food item...

Just limit my exposure to them (An associate). But your real friends would stick by you.
Just smile, Blondie :) Just smile, while your olive grows nice and big... Show it off when they come over... And then one day, down the track a bit, mention that they should watch their feet and stay away from the furniture and windows, because there was an accident during the week and the snakes all got out... And since they never bothered to accept the snakes and be friendly, the snakes won't recognise them and will just consider them a food item...


Ooooh I like that one!! Sorry, they escaped a couple of weeks ago, still in the house but would probably be getting hungry by now....

The one that bugs me the most is the friend who keeps ferrets as pets. Now I have owned ferrets before so i have no problems with them but he hates it when people make comments about his pets..... I pointed that out to him and he just brushed it off :(
There's no point in getting worked up about it, mate :) The more you react, the more they will comment, more than likely. The fact that they don't like reptiles doesn't diminish how gorgeous your animals really are. Your friends don't need to approve, and the only thing you get out of being upset with them, is being upset. :)
Fortunately most of my mates keep snakes or think they're pretty cool as pets. I cop the brunt of the negative comments and taunts from my very own family as they're all very anti-snake and to be honest anti-animal, they hate all types of pets (thank God I'm so wonderfully different :lol:).

Anywho, the way I deal with it is to just plain ignore them, easier said than done, but it's usually the best option, especially when certain people are very stubborn and unwilling to see reason or be fair as is the case with my situation. That and you can't just cut off the people that you live with lol

If they're your mates, you should just let them know how their negative comments towards something you are very passionate about make you feel, and if they're true friends they should respect that and ease up, and if not as dickyknee suggested it may be time to ditch the downers as you deserve better!

Hope this helps Amie.

im not hijacking or anything, i just want to say that good friends these days are really hard to come by. My friends at school always are doing stuff to annoy each other, paying them out, stealing stuff of theirs.etc.etc and they think its 100% fine, well what i can see is that this new generation are going to be complete douche bags. I'm just sick of things like this, people paying you out even though they are supposed to be good friends with you. I dont have time for it anymore, its really sad that people have to be like this! Snakes are awesome pets! I must admit, anyone who comes to my house thinks that my pets are awesome even the snakes and lizards. Most cant wait to hold them.
It really is true Jinin, I ditched all my friends when I was in high school, end of Yr 11 i think. All of my friends just started bugging the crap out of me! Just carrying on stupid and putting rules and restrictions on friendships... I just thought that in the space of 10 years people would have grown up. Oh well. I think I will try the being the bigger person and ignoring them approach again. I'm just too stubborn and when I'm right about something I will fight to the death LOL!!

Thals - I'm lucky , both my mum and dad have really taken to my MD. Oh well... cant win em all I guess!!
I know exactly what your saying blondie, 90% of my friends have cats and dogs as pets, and when they found out that i had herps they all started on me, and when they got to "the only good snake" speil i pulled them up, and told them thats the way i feel about their pets. The shock was enough to change the subject on to their pets, where i explained the reasons why i dont like them, noise, mess, hair, fights, damage, smell, and the list goes on, and then i asked them what out of those things can apply to my snakes? None of them could answer me other than to say, their gross, they are dangerous blah blah blah, where i pulled them up and said, well lets agree to disagree, i'll leave them in their enclosure when they are around if they will lock their cats and dogs in their bedroom when i go over their.... just reverse their "fear" into your "disgust" of their pets and they will soon see how you feel when they make comments about your babies
Yeah I tried all the rational stuff, like toilet training, feeding, grooming, smell, ease of care etc etc and got a similar response to what you got. I know I just need to get over it but I just adore her so much its annoying that they cant just accept it. One friend said they would never come to my house ever again while I had her. Its been over 2 months... still nothing. Oh well ce la vie
yep, frustrating. and very childish. my friends might just say, its not their cup of tea, and i dont force it on them, but its just rude to be nasty about it.

mind you, i have seen people on here rubbish someone's choice of snake (eg coastal -like mine) with the same kinds of comments -waste of money etc. so i guess some people are just insensitive no matter what.

i learnt a long time ago that you really can choose your friends, and made the choice to stop associating with those who i felt didnt 'meet my standard'. (sounds arrogant, but hopefully you know what i mean...?)

where do you live Amie? i'll be your friend!!! :D
Mate are tempory friends really worth worrying about... if its that easy for him to not come round, stuff him he was never ya mate in the first place, Makes me wonder if becomming a reclusive GTP owner is such a bad thing.....
Haha Rox!! Yeah I can accept it not being peoples cuppa tea, but yes no need to be nasty about it. My friends tried the waste of money card as well but my MD was a hell of a lot cheaper than a lot of puppies these days!

Haha Tiger, I'm enough of a recluse as it is LOL!
I hear you! People say things like that to me too. People tend to only look at things from their perspective instead of trying to think about someone else's, and they can be unbelievably rude without even thinking about what they're going to say before they say it. I had a lady say to me once: "You're friends won't come around to your house if you have snakes" and I simply said that if that's how they are, then they're not my friends anyway. At least you're nice to people about their pets, if they can't do the same for you then maybe get away from them. You deserve friends that appreciate you and your unique perspective ;)
well.. i care for my snakes more than i do for my so called "friends" so i dont care what they have to say.my best friends cant talk 8)
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