just wondering (diamond python)

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Not so new Member
Apr 11, 2009
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i have a 7 foot diamond python and im building a big enclouser
im wondering my python has for the last few days been coild in his water bowl
am wondering is this normal.. the temp is 25 degres and humidity is around 50 percent
all answers would be appreciated..
thanx all morph8)
one of my pythons does that all the time, just coz hes a weirdo :p
but it could be a sign of mites.
when hes out of the water have a look for little dots in the bottom of the bowl.
or maybe hes just a weirdo like mine :)

its your 1st post!! welcome to the site!
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Does he look like he's coming into shed? I used to have a large Diamond who'd do the same thing a few days before going into shed.
he did have a little bit of scale rot when he burnt him self on the lights
ive put tubeing on it now and the rot went away with last shed .. is there any kind of
might spray thats good ..i will look at the water as soon as hes out of it .
he mainly trys to dive his head in to the water most but now he sits in there .
thanx all
Like the others before me said, check his bowl for the black dots which is a good indication you have mite trouble. If you do I have heard that T.O.D. (Top of descent) is a very good product to eliminate mites but follow the instructions on the can... You can buy this product in most reptile shops or on line from places like The Herp Shop.. I hope it all works out for you...:)
thanx to all who has helpd me ..havnt seen any black dots in water but
seen a few white things that look like some kind of mite more like lice ..
thanx all..
yes you were right ssshaza his eyes are milky now so wont be to long now
the only problem is he shed about 2.5 months ago ..
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