Justin Beiber with snake at vma show

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Heading into work today I head that Beiber had a snake with him during the redcarpet and vma show. They said it was only a small one but I am still interested to hear what it was. I bet it was probably a corn snake or something.
I hope beiber wanna bees don't start getting snakes like its the new cool thing to do.
It was a Boa but yeah it was only quite small. It was wrapped around his hand and looked pretty scared. Not really sure why you'd bring it to an event like that
Stands to reason that he has only a small one... I saw him on TV last night doing the ususal crackpot Yank thing - thanking not ony god, but Jesus as well, for his great success. Why does he think he's been picked out of the crowd when tens of thousands of little black kids are starving to death in Somalia? Defies logic...

remember he is only a kid and acts like one.my son always like to get my pythons out and would walk around with them. he did it for popularity.he is a idiot.
Would have loved for the snake to latch onto his hand or something haha
Stands to reason that he has only a small one... ......

Yep, he only has a little one.

All these child-stars who find their life depressing because of the stress they've been through to earn $30million+ in one year might find relief by offering these starving kids just a small cut of their wages. No need for kids to be living in dumps and not going to school.

He certainly not gonna win a lady's heart carrying a python around....lol
The snake shouldn't be out in public like that, but I don't know how much Beiber knows about snakes. He's just a kid remember.
I don't follow this kid, just spent about 30 seconds on google lol. It's good to see charitable things being done, I hope he keeps it up and doesn't get selfish when he gets older.
No jealousy here, If it was a member everyone would of flamed the heck out of him for taking it out in the public.
But hey if he's famous, right?.
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